Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School (AJMLS) and the John Marshall Law School Alumni Association proudly announce that AJ Doucett, Class of 2007, has been named the new Director of Alumni Relations at the Law School. As a long-time employee of the Law School, he is a known champion of the AJMLS community and students. During his law school graduation, he was awarded the John Marshall Law School Award for Outstanding Service to the School & Community. His enthusiasm and passion for his alma mater is the perfect match for his appointment as Director.
Prior to moving to Atlanta, Doucett always knew he wanted to be an attorney. He attended a high school magnet law program, participated in mock trial teams, and was one of the first teenage student-attorneys in the Duval County Teen Court Program. After graduating from the University of North Florida, he enrolled at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School. During his time at AJMLS he was the Vice-Justice of Phi Alpha Delta, President of the International Law Society, and President of ATLA. During his second year he started working at the Law School Library at the circulation desk then moved to the sixth floor working in the library technical services department.
While preparing for the bar exam and waiting for results, Doucett continued to work in the library and began managing the student workers and supporting the library research assistance. After successfully passing the Georgia Bar Exam, his previous experience with research assistance led to the Library Director offering him his first job as a Legal Research and Reference Librarian. While he intended for the position to be short-term, he enjoyed working with the students so much that he held the post for twelve years.
When asked about his time at AJMLS, he said,
“My passion for serving AJMLS as a student has carried over into my job as I have enjoyed working with and helping our students become better legal researchers. As the students have come through the library, I have been able to get to know so many of them over the years. This has been such a privilege and the ability to reconnect with those students that are now alumni is what excites me the most about being named the Director of Alumni Relations.”
Over the past three months, the Law School has hosted numerous virtual alumni events where Doucett and others have been able to connect and enjoy time together. He went on to say that “While I look forward to continuing these virtual events, I cannot wait to start planning in-person events. I am excited to reestablish our Alumni Association that is comprised of so many amazing graduates. I look forward to hosting class reunions, getting our alumni connected with our current students, and getting our students connected with our outstanding alumni so they can see what they can achieve as an AJMLS graduate.”
Doucett is particularly interested in what the school can do to help its alumni. He is committed to supporting them maintain a lifelong relationship with their alma mater while also supporting the Alumni Association’s mission.
AJ Doucett welcomes all alumni and friends to connect with him at adoucett@johnmarshall.edu – he’d like to know each person personally and connect or reconnect them with their school!
Congratulations on this exciting move, AJ! The Law School is looking forward to all the wonderful things you have planned for the Alumni Association.