August 12, 2024

Virginia Journal of International Law Online Publishes Professor Van Detta’s Latest Legal Scholarship


The Virginia Journal of International Law at the University of Virginia Law School has published in its online edition of Professor Jeffrey Van Detta’s latest article, Serving Sovereigns: In Republic Of Sudan v. Harrison, The Supreme Court Maintained The Inviolability Of Foreign Embassies Against Service Of Process Despite The FSIA Anti-Terrorism Exception’s Remedial Goals, 65 Va. J. Int’l L. Online 1 (July 2024). Accessible online here.

Professor Van Detta is the John E. Ryan Professor of International Business & Workplace Law at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School (AJMLS). He is the author of 30 law review articles. The 2024-2025 academic year marks Professor Van Detta’s 26th year of teaching at AJMLS, following a dozen years of law practice at Atlanta’s Kilpatrick & Cody, and a year as law clerk to Hon. Roger J. Miner, U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals. 

You can read more about his teaching and scholarship in his faculty biography.