CALI Award Recipients

The CALI Excellence for the Future Award® program recognizes excellence achievement by law students in their studies. The award is given to the student with the highest grade in the class as determined by the instructor or registrar.

Excellent work!

Fall 2024

Student NameCourse TitleSemesterView Award
Austin CauffmanConstitutional Law IFall2024View
Elissa CodreaE-Discovery: In PracticeFall2024View
Nicole DeletteraElectronic DiscoveryFall2024View
Boz DelMundoCivil Procedure IFall2024View
Madeline DeyeGeorgia Practice & ProceduresFall2024View
Devine EadyConstitutional Law IFall2024View
Christy C. EkwueDomestic RelationsFall2024View
Wilson S. EvansSeminar Civil Liberties: Election LawsFall2024View
Garrett FosterContracts IFall2024View
Garrett FosterTorts IFall2024View
Denim GrzesikRemediesFall2024View
Denim GrzesikCriminal Procedure: InvestigationFall2024View
Gabriella Henriquez ChavezLaw, Lawyers & LiteratureFall2024View
Sarah B. HughartLegal Writing Research & Analysis IFall2024View
Namiah HughesLegal Writing Research & Analysis IFall2024View
Namiah HughesCivil Procedure IFall2024View
Kayla JacobsContracts IIFall2024View
Maria JarmanConstitutional Law IFall2024View
Maria JarmanEvidenceFall2024View
Maria JarmanSalesFall2024View
Gavin KohlerFederal Income TaxFall2024View
Georgina KottekudyElectronic DiscoveryFall2024View
Tyler C. McgrathCriminal LawFall2024View
Tyler C. McgrathLegal Writing Research & Analysis IFall2024View
Tyler C. McgrathContracts IFall2024View
Sandy MillerPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureFall2024View
Andrew MingledorffGeorgia Practice & ProceduresFall2024View
Andrew MingledorffTransaction DraftingFall2024View
Suzanne OldweilerProfessional ResponsibilityFall2024View
Charles T. ProenzaReal PropertyFall2024View
Adrianna ProsdocimoTorts IFall2024View
Adrianna ProsdocimoLegal Writing Research & Analysis IFall2024View
Natalie RabunSeminar Civil Liberties: Election LawsFall2024View
Aaron E. RidenourCriminal Procedure: AdjudicationFall2024View
Leah RobertsonCyber Security & Privacy LawFall2024View
Regina SampsonSeminar: Scholarly Legal WritingFall2024View
David H. SmithEvidenceFall2024View
Michael SpringerCivil Procedure IFall2024View
James SteinbachLegal Writing Research & Analysis IFall2024View
Steinmetz ThomasIntellectual Property LawFall2024View
Madison ThompsonLegal Writing Research & Analysis IFall2024View
Yajaira VanegasReal PropertyFall2024View
Grace M. VigarTorts IFall2024View
Grace M. VigarCriminal LawFall2024View
Grace M. VigarCivil Procedure IFall2024View
Grace M. VigarContracts IFall2024View
Aniyah VinesLegal Writing Research & Analysis IFall2024View
Zy’yaire I. WilliamsCriminal Pre-trial AdvocacyFall2024View
Nadia WilsonIntellectual Property LawFall2024View
Anthony ZahnSeminar: Scholarly Legal WritingFall2024View
Anthony ZahnBusiness OrganizationsFall2024View

Summer 2024

Kristen GoughTrial AdvocacySummer2024VIEW
Madesen GrantAdvanced EvidenceSummer2024VIEW
Denim GrzesikCriminal LawSummer2024VIEW
Justin M. HugginsEducation LawSummer2024VIEW
Jeeyeoon JeungAdvanced EvidenceSummer2024VIEW
Sandy L. MillerProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2024VIEW
Anjali PatelAlternative Dispute ResolutionSummer2024VIEW

Spring 2024

Rachel AvruninContracts IISpring2024VIEW
Erika BartolanzoCriminal Procedure: InvestigationSpring2024VIEW
Alexis BaumanLegal MethodsSpring2024VIEW
Taylor BlumenthalCriminal Trial AdvocacySpring2024VIEW
Wendy CarlyleMastering Legal SkillsSpring2024VIEW
Jena CarrAdvanced EvidenceSpring2024VIEW
Joseph ChappelleMastering Legal SkillsSpring2024VIEW
Tiara ClemmonsInsurance LawSpring2024VIEW
Elissa CodreaWills, Trust and EstatesSpring2024VIEW
James CrockerBusiness OrganizationsSpring2024VIEW
James CrockerMastering Legal PrinciplesSpring2024VIEW
James DahlquistCriminal Trial AdvocacySpring2024VIEW
Boz Del MundoTorts IISpring2024VIEW
Salem DesirMastering Legal PrinciplesSpring2024VIEW
Madeline DeyeBusiness OrganizationsSpring2024VIEW
Savannah DrexlerAdvanced EvidenceSpring2024VIEW
Derek Nunes Dias FernandesGA Practice & ProcedureSpring2024VIEW
Derek Nunes Dias FernandesCyber Security & Privacy LawSpring2024VIEW
Beckley FroebelCriminal Procedure: InvestigationSpring2024VIEW
Kristen GoughPre-trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2024VIEW
Denim GrzesikContracts IISpring2024VIEW
Lucilla HarrellCyber Security: In PracticeSpring2024VIEW
Terah HarrisConstitutional Law IISpring2024VIEW
Jamaica L. HollyCivil Procedure IISpring2024VIEW
Madeline JacksonCritical Race TheorySpring2024VIEW
Amekka T. JacksonLegal Writing Research & Analysis IISpring2024VIEW
Maria JarmanLegal Writing Research & Analysis IISpring2024VIEW
Denisha JohnsonConstitutional Law IISpring2024VIEW
Marquez JonesElectronic DiscoverySpring2024VIEW
Emily KangContracts IISpring2024VIEW
Emily KangLegal Writing Research & Analysis IISpring2024VIEW
Jasmine KnightConstitutional Law IISpring2024VIEW
Morgan A. KnowlesSecured TransactionsSpring2024VIEW
Georgina KottekudyCriminal Justice LawyeringSpring2024VIEW
Matthew LundyLaw, Lawyers & LiteratureSpring2024VIEW
Carolina MelguizoTransactional DraftingSpring2024VIEW
Gabriel J. MillsLegal Writing Research & Analysis IISpring2024VIEW
Andrew MingledorffAdvanced EvidenceSpring2024VIEW
Jesse MooreDeath Penalty SeminarSpring2024VIEW
Ishiah MuhammadLegal Writing Research & Analysis IISpring2024VIEW
Jataja NaveReal PropertySpring2024VIEW
Jataja NaveEvidenceSpring2024VIEW
Suzanne OldweilerDomestic RelationsSpring2024VIEW
Sydney PainterAdvanced EvidenceSpring2024VIEW
Deeandra J. PattersonLegal Writing Research & Analysis IISpring2024VIEW
Christopher PetersTorts IISpring2024VIEW
Charles ProenzaCivil Procedure IISpring2024VIEW
Natalie RabunLegal MethodsSpring2024VIEW
Aaron RidenourContracts IISpring2024VIEW
Yakira SadlerGA Practice & ProcedureSpring2024VIEW

Jodi-Ann SaltersMastering Legal PrinciplesSpring2024VIEW
Laina SansomCivil Procedure IISpring2024VIEW
Tahirah ScottTrademark LawSpring2024VIEW
David H. SmithTorts IISpring2024VIEW
Shulammite SonLegal Writing Research & Analysis IISpring2024VIEW
Abbigail StoneLegal MethodsSpring2024VIEW
Jakob TouchstoneE-Discovery In PracticeSpring2024VIEW
Alexia WoodleyMastering Legal SkillsSpring2024VIEW
Anthony ZahnConstitutional Law IISpring2024VIEW

Fall 2023

Student NameCourse TitleSemesterView Award
Paige K. AbellLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2023VIEW
Nikou Ahmad-KhosraviTransactional DraftingFall2023VIEW
Taylor BlumenthalMastering Legal PrinciplesFall2023VIEW
Wendy D. CarlyleElectronic DiscoveryFall2023VIEW
Elissa H. CodreaElectronic DiscoveryFall2023VIEW
James DahlquistCriminal Pre-trial AdvocacyFall2023VIEW
Boz DelmundoContracts IFall2023VIEW
Derek Nunes Dias FernandesMastering Legal Principles IIFall2023VIEW
Derek Nunes Dias FernandesSecured TransactionsFall2023VIEW
Derek Nunes Dias FernandesProfessional ResponsibiltyFall2023VIEW
Darryl H. FordRace and LawFall2023VIEW
Chase S. ForresterTorts IFall2023VIEW
Jewell M. Gentry-MickelsonGeorgia Practice & ProcedureFall2023VIEW
Emma D. GibsonConstitutional Law IFall2023VIEW
Lauren T. HendersonPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureFall2023VIEW
Justin M. HugginsCriminal ProcedureFall2023VIEW
Amekka T. JacksonLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2023VIEW
Maria E. JarmanLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2023VIEW
Maria E. JarmanCivil Procedure IFall2023VIEW
Emily KangLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2023VIEW
Ryan C. KingContracts IFall2023VIEW
Georgina KottekudyCyber Security & Privacy LawFall2023VIEW
Reddlene LamourMastering Legal Principles IIFall2023VIEW
Pariese J. LewisContracts IIFall2023VIEW
Alisha McCrimmonContracts IFall2023VIEW
Sandy L. MillerAdvance Criminal ProcedureFall2023VIEW
Gabriel J. MillsCriminal LawFall2023VIEW
Andrew R. MingledorffReal PropertyFall2023VIEW
Andrew R. MingledorffSalesFall2023VIEW
Andrew R. MingledorffEvidenceFall2023VIEW
Jesse C. MooreConstitutional Law IFall2023VIEW
Jesse C. MooreBusiness OrganizationsFall2023VIEW
Jacob B. MoskowitzLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2023VIEW
Jataja A. NaveCivil Procedure IFall2023VIEW
Ogechukwu C. OkerekeLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2023VIEW
Anjali PatelIntellectual PropertyFall2023VIEW
Isaac PattersonCivil Procedure IFall2023VIEW
Samuel F. PetersRemediesFall2023VIEW
Jodi-Ann J. SaltersConstitutional Law IFall2023VIEW
David H. SmithTorts IFall2023VIEW
David H. SmithCriminal LawFall2023VIEW
David H. SmithCivil Procedure IFall2023VIEW
Hunter D. StevensTorts IFall2023VIEW
Yajaira E. VanegasLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2023VIEW
Anthony A. ZahnReal PropertyFall2023VIEW
Anthony A. ZahnEvidenceFall2023VIEW

Summer 2023

Student NameCourse TitleSemesterYearView Award
Raul I. Alvizua-FloresCriminal LawSummer2023VIEW
Taylor BlumenthalProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2023VIEW
Jesse C. MooreInternational Business TransactionsSummer2023VIEW
Regina L. SampsonWills, Trusts, and EstatesSummer2023VIEW

Spring 2023

Student NameCourse TitleSemesterYearView Award
Katie F. AdamsCriminal Trial AdvocacySpring2023VIEW
Estibaliz S. AfanadorRemediesSpring2023VIEW
Estibaliz S. AfanadorEntertainment LawSpring2023VIEW
Estibaliz S. AfanadorTransactional DraftingSpring2023VIEW
Oluwatoyin B. AlliCriminal ProcedureSpring2023VIEW
William S. AndersonLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2023VIEW
William S. AndersonIntellectual PropertySpring2023VIEW
Ariana AzaripourLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2023VIEW
Nathan C. AzarowiczMastering Legal Principles ISpring2023VIEW
Tylore BellBusiness Orgs.Spring2023VIEW
Taylor BlumenthalMastering Legal Principles ISpring2023VIEW
Daija R. BradyLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2023VIEW
Jordan BurrowsLegal MethodsSpring2023VIEW
Monique A. CherryMastering Legal SkillsSpring2023VIEW
Kyra Y. ClarkMastering Legal SkillsSpring2023VIEW
Tiara L. ClemmonsBusiness Orgs.Spring2023VIEW
Elissa H. CodreaLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2023VIEW
Katherine CollinsEvidenceSpring2023VIEW
Madeline C. DeyeCriminal Justice LawyeringSpring2023VIEW
Derek Nunes Dias FernandesConstitutional Law IISpring2023VIEW
Derek Nunes Dias FernandesMastering Legal Principles ISpring2023VIEW
Darryl H. FordWills, Trusts and EstatesSpring2023VIEW
Victor J. GordonCyber Security & Privacy LawSpring2023VIEW
Kristen A. GoughLegal MethodsSpring2023VIEW
Jacob H. GregorySeminar- Death PenaltySpring2023VIEW
Elizabeth D. HardingLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2023VIEW
Elizabeth D. HardingContracts IISpring2023VIEW
Justin M. HugginsLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2023VIEW
MarQuita D. JonesPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2023VIEW
Kyle L. KernsConstitutional Law IISpring2023VIEW
Salman M. KhanLegal MethodsSpring2023VIEW
Esther Y. KoAdvanced EvidenceSpring2023VIEW
Carlton A. LewisGeorgia Practice & ProcedureSpring2023VIEW
Devin S. McCoyMediationSpring2023VIEW
Andrew MingledorffLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2023VIEW
Jesse C. MooreEvidenceSpring2023VIEW
Austin M. O’NeillMastering Legal SkillsSpring2023VIEW
Bindi V. PatelContracts IISpring2023VIEW
Thomas A. PetrelleseAdministrative LawSpring2023VIEW
Daniel E. PozoDomestic RelationsSpring2023VIEW
Shinnay RichardsCriminal ProcedureSpring2023VIEW
Lindsey N. RobertsSeminar- Privacy LawSpring2023VIEW
Jodi-Ann J. SaltersTorts IISpring2023VIEW
Jodi-Ann J. SaltersCivil Procedure IISpring2023VIEW
Regina L. SampsonReal PropertySpring2023VIEW
William B. Slaten Jr.Constitutional Law IISpring2023VIEW
Tishana SpringerMastering Legal SkillsSpring2023VIEW
Chloe R. StricklandTorts IISpring2023VIEW
Hailey C. TegederTorts IISpring2023VIEW
Clint T. TylerHealth Care LawSpring2023VIEW
Donyae S. WilliamsCivil Procedures IISpring2023VIEW
Gabriel E. WilliamsContracts IISpring2023VIEW
Shaugnassy Williams-BryantMastering Legal SkillsSpring2023VIEW
Anthony A. ZahnLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2023VIEW
Anthony A. ZahnTorts IISpring2023VIEW

Fall 2022

Student NameCourse TitleSemesterYearView Award
Katie F. AdamsProfessional ResponsibilityFall2022VIEW
Molly A. AllenContractsFall2022VIEW
William S. AndersonTorts IFall2022VIEW
William S. AndersonLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2022VIEW
Taylor BlumenthalAdvance Criminal ProcedureFall2022VIEW
Taylor BlumenthalConstitutional Law IFall2022VIEW
Daija R. BradyCivil Procedure IFall2022VIEW
Daija R. BradyLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2022VIEW
Skyelar G. CaudleRace and LawFall2022VIEW
Kyra Y. ClarkTransactional DraftingFall2022VIEW
Elissa H. CodreaLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2022VIEW
Katherine M. CollinsCriminal ProcedureFall2022VIEW
Mercedes L. DickersonPre-trial Practice & ProcedureFall2022VIEW
Derek Nunes Dias FernandesConstitutional Law IFall2022VIEW
Derek Nunes Dias FernandesEvidenceFall2022VIEW
Derek Nunes Dias FernandesFederal Income TaxFall2022VIEW
Emma D. GibsonLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2022VIEW
Jacob H. GregorySeminar: Constitutional Law First AmendmentFall2022VIEW
Jacob H. GregoryMastering Legal Principles IIFall2022VIEW
Jacob H. GregoryDomestic RelationsFall2022VIEW
Elizabeth D. HardingLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2022VIEW
Elizabeth D. HardingTorts IFall2022VIEW
Justin M. HugginsTorts IFall2022VIEW
Maureen A. Jagne-ShawIntellectual PropertyFall2022VIEW
Anaia JohnsonElectronic DiscoveryFall2022VIEW
Thomas J. KrupinskiCriminal Pre-trial AdvocacyFall2022VIEW
Katie McClellandMastering Legal Principles IIFall2022VIEW
Devon S. McCoyBusiness OrganizationFall2022VIEW
Kierra A. McIntyreCivil Procedure IFall2022VIEW
Richard G. MejiaTransactional DraftingFall2022VIEW
Richard G. MejiaSalesFall2022VIEW
Zaimah T. MithavayaniProfessional ResponsibilityFall2022VIEW
Jesse C. MooreAmerican Constitutional HistoryFall2022VIEW
Jesse C. MooreCriminal ProcedureFall2022VIEW
Jataja A. NaveLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2022VIEW
Suzanne F. OldweilerCriminal LawFall2022VIEW
Danielle K. OrtegaCriminal LawFall2022VIEW
Abbisola A. OxleyLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2022VIEW
Adrian J. ParedesWorkers CompensationFall2022VIEW
Regina SampsonCivil Procedure IFall2022VIEW
Blakely S. SawyerInsurance LawFall2022VIEW
Lauren M. SpencerMastering Legal Principles IIFall2022VIEW
Lauren M. SpencerProfessional ResponsibilityFall2022VIEW
Lauren M. SpencerGeorgia Practice/ ProcedureFall2022VIEW
Jacob L. SperberEvidenceFall2022VIEW
Regina S. StokesReal PropertyFall2022VIEW
Hailey C. TegederLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2022VIEW
Hailey C. TegederContracts IFall2022VIEW
Donyae S. WilliamsContracts IIFall2022VIEW
Gabriel E. WilliamsContracts IFall2022VIEW
Gabriel E. WilliamsTorts IFall2022VIEW
Gabriel E. WilliamsLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2022VIEW
Leah L. YoungReal PropertyFall2022VIEW
Kendrick F. ZuluagaConstitutional Law IFall2022VIEW

Summer 2022

Student NameCourse TitleSemesterYearView Award
Katherine CollinsCriminal LawSummer2022VIEW
Robert FergusonAdministrative LawSummer2022VIEW
Jade GreenAlternate Dispute ResolutionSummer2022VIEW
Jacob GregoryProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2022VIEW
Isa HarrisonNegotiationsSummer2022VIEW
Jasmine KnightCritical Race TheorySummer2022VIEW
Melanie StephoWills, Trust, and EstatesSummer2022VIEW

Spring 2022

#Student NameCourseSemesterYearView Award
1Katie F. AdamsCriminal Justice LawyeringSpring2022View Award
2Lauren R. BatesMastering Legal SkillsSpring2022View Award
3Andrea D. BeardLegal MethodsSpring2022View Award
4Kayla L. BeckworthMastering Legal SkillsSpring2022View Award
5Taylor BlumenthalCivil Procedure IISpring2022View Award
6Jhonae CainesCopyright LawSpring2022View Award
7Wendy D. CarlyleInsurance LawSpring2022View Award
8Lance A. CarruthCriminal ProcedureSpring2022View Award
9Monique A. CherryMediationSpring2022View Award
10Kyra Y. ClarkConsumer LawSpring2022View Award
11Tiara L. ClemmonsCivil Procedure IISpring2022View Award
12James DahlquistLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2022View Award
13Lyndsi DawkinsTorts IISpring2022View Award
14Gabrielle E. DeanLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2022View Award
15Vanna DelorenzoCriminal Justice LawyeringSpring2022View Award
16Karley A. DoughCriminal Pre-trial AdvocacySpring2022View Award
17Nathaniel H. DupreeLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2022View Award
18Derek Nunes Dias FernandesCivil Procedure IISpring2022View Award
19Derek Nunes Dias FernandesLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2022View Award
20Derek Nunes Dias FernandesContracts IISpring2022View Award
21Derek Nunes Dias FernandesIntellectual PropertySpring2022View Award
22Derek Nunes Dias FernandesTorts IISpring2022View Award
23Donsherrhea FrisonSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2022View Award
24Donsherrhea FrisonConstitutional Law IISpring2022View Award
25Jacob H. GregoryMastering Legal Principles ISpring2022View Award
26Jacob H. GregoryConstitutional Law IISpring2022View Award
27Jacob H. GregoryBusiness OrganizationsSpring2022View Award
28Katie C. JettContracts IISpring2022View Award
29Raford KellyCriminal ProcedureSpring2022View Award
30Heather M. KennedyCyber Security & Privacy LawSpring2022View Award
31Wendi H. LucasGeorgia Practice & ProcedureSpring2022View Award
32Naja MacIntoshTransactional DraftingSpring2022View Award
33Courtney S. ManuelLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2022View Award
34Katie McClellandDomestic RelationsSpring2022View Award
35Katie McClellandMastering Legal Principles ISpring2022View Award
36Katie McClellandCriminal ProcedureSpring2022View Award
37Andreas S. MettlerMediationSpring2022View Award
38Sandy L. MillerLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2022View Award
39Tierra M. MonteiroRemediesSpring2022View Award
40Jesse C. MooreContracts IISpring2022View Award
41Jesse C. MooreLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2022View Award
42Shaan ParikhLegal MethodsSpring2022View Award
43Jessica J. RegaladoConstitutional Law IISpring2022View Award
44Shinnay RichardsLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2022View Award
45Lindsey N. RobertsSeminar: Law and ReligionSpring2022View Award
46Mats RosenRemediesSpring2022View Award
47Austin K. RussellLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2022View Award
48Lauren M. SpencerMastering Legal Principles ISpring2022View Award
49Jacob L. SperberTorts IISpring2022View Award
50Jacob L. SperberLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2022View Award
51Jacqueline TuckerMastering Legal SkillsSpring2022View Award
52Clint T. TylerTrial AdvocacySpring2022View Award
53Blake A. WhitsellLegal MethodsSpring2022View Award
54Shaugnassy Williams-BryantSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2022View Award

Fall 2021

#Student NameCourseSemesterYearView Award
1Estibaliz AfanadorConstitutional Law IFall2021View Award
2Oluwatoyin AlliReal PropertyFall2021View Award
3Dylan AnnisSeminar:Small Entity FormationFall2021View Award
4Robert BaumbachJurisprudenceFall2021View Award
5Lauren BoffillMastering Legal Principles IIFall2021View Award
6Wendy CarlyleCivil Procedure IFall2021View Award
7Joseph ChappelleLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2021View Award
8Monique CherryDomestic RelationsFall2021View Award
9Tiara ClemmonsCriminal LawFall2021View Award
10Katherine CollinsContracts IFall2021View Award
11James DahlquistLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2021View Award
12Ashley Darling-FeuerLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2021View Award
13Nathaniel DupreeLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2021View Award
14Juneau FaulknerCriminal Pre-trial AdvocacyFall2021View Award
15Derek FernandesCivil Procedure IFall2021View Award
16Derek FernandesTorts IFall2021View Award
17Derek FernandesContracts IFall2021View Award
18Derek FernandesCriminal LawFall2021View Award
19Donsherrhea FrisonLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIFall2021View Award
20Donsherrhea FrisonConstitutional Law IFall2021View Award
21Myah FuquaLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIFall2021View Award
22Gandara GallishawLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIFall2021View Award
23Shombraya GoodmanGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2021View Award
24Jacob GregoryEvidenceFall2021View Award
25Jacob GregoryGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2021View Award
26Jacob GregoryCriminal ProcedureFall2021View Award
27Sharon HansroteCriminal Justice LawyeringFall2021View Award
28Tanesha HumphreyElectronic DiscoveryFall2021View Award
29Raford KellyBusiness OrganizationsFall2021View Award
30Raford KellyEvidenceFall2021View Award
31Heather KennedyGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2021View Award
32Morgan KnowlesContracts IFall2021View Award
33Michelle LeeLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2021View Award
34Naja MacintoshAdvanced Criminal ProcedureFall2021View Award
35Joseph MaggianoWills, Trusts, and EstatesFall2021View Award
36Chinyere MarshallLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIFall2021View Award
37Tekari MatthewsLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIFall2021View Award
38Katie McClellandBusiness OrganizationsFall2021View Award
39Richard MejiaEvidenceFall2021View Award
40Jesse MooreLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2021View Award
41Jesse MooreTorts IFall2021View Award
42Joseph MossMediationFall2021View Award
43Diamond NimeneLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIFall2021View Award
44Shane PartonLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2021View Award
45Antonio PishvaiBankruptcyFall2021View Award
46Jessica RegaladoReal Property IIFall2021View Award
47Shinnay RichardsLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2021View Award
48Mats RosenMastering Legal Principles IIFall2021View Award
49Ashlan RosierGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2021View Award
50Meredith SheaEducation LawFall2021View Award
51Meredith SheaEducation LawFall2021View Award
52Savannah SmarchLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2021View Award
53Savannah SmarchCivil Procedure IFall2021View Award
54Brianna SmithGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2021View Award
55Lauren SpencerReal Property IIFall2021View Award
56Lauren SpencerConstitutional Law IFall2021View Award
57Jacob SperberLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2021View Award
58Jacob SperberTorts IFall2021View Award
59Ashley StarnesReal Property IIFall2021View Award
60Leslie ThomConstitutional Law IFall2021View Award
61Javion ThomasProfessional ResponsibilityFall2021View Award
62Kamali ThompsonSeminar:Small Entity FormationFall2021View Award
63Blake WhitsellLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2021View Award
64Alexia WoodleyLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2021View Award

Summer 2021

#Student NameCourseSemesterYearView Award
1Lauren BoffillProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2021View Award
2Nina Zjoerba FisherTrial AdvocacySummer2021View Award
3Jonathan GarciaCriminal LawSummer2021View Award
4Williametta GarnettAdvanced EvidenceSummer2021View Award
5Jacob GregoryAlternative Dispute ResolutionSummer2021View Award
6Jacob GregoryWills, Trusts, & EstatesSummer2021View Award
7Richard MejiaAdministrative LawSummer2021View Award
8Tierra MonteiroTrial AdvocacySummer2021View Award
9Tierra MonteiroProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2021View Award

Spring 2021

1Tai BarksdaleTransactional DraftingSpring2021View Award
2Kayla BeckworthCriminal ProcedureSpring2021View Award
3Joseph BushMastering Legal Principles ISpring2021View Award
4Joseph BushConstitutional Law IISpring2021View Award
5Joseph BushConstitutional Law IISpring2021View Award
6Joseph BushConstitutional Law IISpring2021View Award
7Wendy CarlyleTorts IISpring2021View Award
8Charles CarrMastering Legal Principles IISpring2021View Award
9Lance CarruthContracts IISpring2021View Award
10Justin CavanaughLaw, Lawyers & LiteratureSpring2021View Award
11Monique CherryLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2021View Award
12Stephen CrabtreeHealthcare LawSpring2021View Award
13Raquiyah DungerLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIISpring2021View Award
14Bailey FarnerBusiness OrganizationsSpring2021View Award
15Davis FederCivil Procedure IISpring2021View Award
16Jonathan GarciaLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2021View Award
17Gulliana GoehringBusiness OrganizationsSpring2021View Award
18Jacob GregoryLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIISpring2021View Award
19Jacob GregoryLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIISpring2021View Award
20Jacob GregoryReal Property IISpring2021View Award
21Jacqueline HemmisCriminal Law EthicsSpring2021View Award
22Jenna HoughRemediesSpring2021View Award
23Raford KellyReal Property ISpring2021View Award
24Heather KennedyLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIISpring2021View Award
25Kennedy KimbleLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2021View Award
26Brittany LenochAdvanced Criminal ProcedureSpring2021View Award
27Emory LottConstitutional Law SeminarSpring2021View Award
28Marie MartinRemediesSpring2021View Award
29Tekari MatthewsLegal MethodsSpring2021View Award
30Katie McClellandLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2021View Award
31Richard MejiaLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2021View Award
32Tierra MonteiroConstitutional Law IISpring2021View Award
33Damisola OlatundeDomestic RelationsSpring2021View Award
34Larry PuckettTorts IISpring2021View Award
35Larry PuckettCivil Procedure IISpring2021View Award
36Matthew RepellaElectronic DiscoverySpring2021View Award
37Mats RosenCriminal ProcedureSpring2021View Award
38Mats RosenLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIISpring2021View Award
39Ashley StarnesReal Property ISpring2021View Award
40Ashley StarnesTorts IISpring2021View Award
41Clint TylerContracts IISpring2021View Award
42Christopher WilliamsMastering Legal Principles IISpring2021View Award
43Shannan YoungContracts IISpring2021View Award
44Destiny YoungLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2021View Award
45Shannan YoungLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IISpring2021View Award

Fall 2020

1Katie AdamsLegal Writing, Research & AnalysisFall2020View Award
2Allyssia AndrewsLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2020View Award
3Allyssia AndrewsLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2020View Award
4Allyssia AndrewsTorts IFall2020View Award
5Joseph Anfield-ElCyber SecurityFall2020View Award
6Taylor BlumenthalLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2020View Award
7Lauren BoffillConstitutional Law IFall2020View Award
8Lauren BoffillGeorgia Practice & ProcedureFall2020View Award
9Joseph BushReal Property IIFall2020View Award
10Joseph BushWills, Trusts, and EstatesFall2020View Award
11Monique CherryCriminal LawFall2020View Award
12Davis FederCivil Procedure IFall2020View Award
13Gianna FranceschiniTransactional DraftingFall2020View Award
14Jonathan GarciaTorts IFall2020View Award
15Chauncey GrahamLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2020View Award
16Jacob GregoryReal Property IFall2020View Award
17Jacob GregoryCivil Procedure IFall2020View Award
18Sharon HansroteEvidenceFall2020View Award
19Sherin HylanTransactional DraftingFall2020View Award
20Sherin HylanTransactional DraftingFall2020View Award
21MarQuita JonesLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIFall2020View Award
22Jessica JonesConstitutional Legal HistoryFall2020View Award
23Jessica JonesGeorgia Practice & ProcedureFall2020View Award
24Raford KellyCriminal LawFall2020View Award
25Raford KellyLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2020View Award
26Heather KennedySales & Secured TransactionsFall2020View Award
27Esther KoTorts IFall2020View Award
28Marie MartinScholarly Legal WritingFall2020View Award
29Marie MartinSmall Entity FormationFall2020View Award
30Richard MejiaContracts IFall2020View Award
31Carolina MelguizoLegal Writing, Research & AnalysisFall2020View Award
32Damilola OlatundeMastering Legal SkillsFall2020View Award
33Timothy OrangeDomestic RelationsFall2020View Award
34Miriam PerfectoAdvanced Criminal ProcedureFall2020View Award
35Kristian PostmaMastering Legal SkillsFall2020View Award
36Larry PuckettContracts IFall2020View Award
37Larry PuckettCriminal LawFall2020View Award
38Lindsey RobertsLegal Writing, Research & AnalysisFall2020View Award
39Griffin Stocks, IVConstitutional LawFall2020View Award
40Kendall TaylorLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2020View Award
41Kevin WhitmoreCivil Procedure IFall2020View Award
42Destiny YoungTorts IFall2020View Award
43Shannon YoungContracts IFall2020View Award
44Nina Zjoerba FisherLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIFall2020View Award

Summer 2020

1Lauren BoffillWills, Trust and EstatesSummer2020View Award
2Jessica DevinsLabor LawSummer2020View Award
3Angelica EvansThe Art of AdvocacySummer2020View Award
4Jacob GregoryCriminal LawSummer2020View Award
5Terrence JohnThe Art of AdvocacySummer2020View Award
6Marie MartinGeorgia Practice and ProcedureSummer2020View Award
7Andreas MettlerInternational Business and Workplace LawSummer2020View Award
8Timothy OrangeInternational Business and Workplace LawSummer2020View Award
9Aristides PassasE-DiscoverySummer2020View Award
10Nicholas PopeThe Art of AdvocacySummer2020View Award
11Matthew RepellaMastering Legal SkillsSummer2020View Award
12Mandira SethiProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2020View Award
13Mahek ShahPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSummer2020View Award
14Mahek ShahPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSummer2020View Award
15Dennis WoodsThe Art of AdvocacySummer2020View Award

Spring 2020

1Lauren BatesLWRA IISpring2020View Award
2Lauren BoffillCivil Procedure IISpring2020View Award
3Claxton BoutwellBusiness OrganizationsSpring2020View Award
4Sandler ErnstCivil Procedure IISpring2020View Award
5Sandler ErnstContracts IISpring2020View Award
6Bailey FarnerSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2020View Award
7Gianna FranceschiniMastering Legal Principles ISpring2020View Award
8Gianna FranceschiniConstitutional Law IISpring2020View Award
9Jacob GregoryLWRA IISpring2020View Award
10Jacob GregoryContracts IISpring2020View Award
11Jacob GregoryTorts IISpring2020View Award
12Edward HardrickLWRA IISpring2020View Award
13Kiyana HuntCorrections LawSpring2020View Award
14Sherin HylanDomestic RelationsSpring2020View Award
15Bethany JohnstonHealthcare LawSpring2020View Award
16Heather KennedyTorts IISpring2020View Award
17Brittany LarcartAdvanced EvidenceSpring2020View Award
18Kristen MacKenzieRemediesSpring2020View Award
19Shah MahekConstitutional Law IISpring2020View Award
20Cynthia McDonaldBusiness OrganizationsSpring2020View Award
21Tiffany NanguyTorts IISpring2020View Award
22Aristides PassasMastering Legal Principles ISpring2020View Award
23Aristides PassasConstitutional Law IISpring2020View Award
24Courtney RicklesBankruptcySpring2020View Award
25Sasha RobinsonBankruptcySpring2020View Award
26Thomas SizemoreSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2020View Award
27Christopher SmithInsurance LawSpring2020View Award
28Lauren TappDomestic RelationsSpring2020View Award
29Nicholas VowellConstitutional Law IISpring2020View Award

Fall 2019

1Jarrett ArcherAdvanced Criminal ProcedureFall2019View Award
2Lauren BatesLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2019View Award
3Jonathan BlackwellRemediesFall2019View Award
4Keona BluntGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2019View Award
5Joseph BushCriminal LawFall2019View Award
6Jada ButlerMastering Legal SkillsFall2019View Award
7Charles CarrReal Property IIFall2019View Award
8Charles CarrCriminal ProcedureFall2019View Award
9Carol ChapmanWills, Trusts & EstatesFall2019View Award
10Carol ChapmanGeorgia Civil Practice & ProcedureFall2019View Award
11Angela CrossAgencyFall2019View Award
12Austin DabneyElectronic DiscoveryFall2019View Award
13Morgan EipperReal Property IIFall2019View Award
14Kathryn EmigProfessional ResponsibilityFall2019View Award
15Melanie FenleyAdministrative LawFall2019View Award
16Gianna FranceschiniConstitutional Law IFall2019View Award
17John GibsonSports LawFall2019View Award
18Jacob GregoryContracts IFall2019View Award
19Jacob GregoryTorts IFall2019View Award
20Jacob GregoryLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2019View Award
21Jacqueline HemmisCivil Procedure IFall2019View Award
22Delesia HortonConstitutional Law IFall2019View Award
23Ekram IsmaelSales & Secured TransactionsFall2019View Award
24Delenia KingEvidenceFall2019View Award
25Robert LeoneCriminal Pre-Trial AdvocacyFall2019View Award
26Ashley LindseyLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIFall2019View Award
27Adam LowneyLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIIFall2019View Award
28Adam LowneySales & Secured TransactionsFall2019View Award
29Naja MacIntoshLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2019View Award
30Tierra MonteiroLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIIFall2019View Award
31Tiffany NanguyTorts IFall2019View Award
32Pantia NeissaniTransactional DraftingFall2019View Award
33Aristides PassasEvidenceFall2019View Award
34Jackson PeakLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIIFall2019View Award
35Jackson PeakCriminal LawFall2019View Award
36Miriam PerfectoConstitutional Law IFall2019View Award
37Nicholas PopeMastering Legal SkillsFall2019View Award
38Rasheda RobinsonCyber Security & Privacy LawFall2019View Award
39Rasheda RobinsonDirected ResearchFall2019View Award
40Mats RosenContracts IFall2019View Award
41Mats RosenCivil Procedure IFall2019View Award
42Vance SatterfieldLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIIFall2019View Award
43Vance SatterfieldReal Property IFall2019View Award
44Cierra Shope-RushtonEmployment DiscriminationFall2019View Award
45Griffin StocksCivil Procedure IFall2019View Award
46Christopher WilliamsConstitutional Law IFall2019View Award
47Christine WilliamsContracts IFall2019View Award
48Christine WilliamsTorts IFall2019View Award

Summer 2019

1Awa MarenahAgency and the Employment RelationshipSummer2019View Award
2Ashley MashburnWorker’s CompensationSummer2019View Award
3Tierra MonteiroCriminal LawSummer2019View Award
4Tafari PlummerElectronic DiscoverySummer2019View Award
5Chanceity RobinsonCyber Security and Privacy LawSummer2019View Award
6Mandira SethiElectronic DiscoverySummer2019View Award
7Mindi ThrashPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSummer2019View Award
8Christopher WilliamsIntellectual PropertySummer2019View Award

Spring 2019

1Jarrett ArcherBusiness OrganizationsSpring2019View Award
2Chase BabineauxLegal Writing, Research & Analysis ISpring2019View Award
3Amber BakerLaw, Lawyers and LiteratureSpring2019View Award
4Antonio BarnesContracts IISpring2019View Award
5Glynneisha BellamyReal Property IISpring2019View Award
6Lauren BoffillTorts IISpring2019View Award
7Claxton BoutwellLegal Writing, Research & Analysis ISpring2019View Award
8Hunter BurkhalterConstitutional Law IISpring2019View Award
9Alexa CallawaySports LawSpring2019View Award
10Bryan DaytonAdministrative LawSpring2019View Award
11Bryan DaytonGeorgia Civil Practice and ProcedureSpring2019View Award
12Taylor DecianoConstitutional Legal HistorySpring2019View Award
13Ellen Dorsey-WilliamsLabor LawSpring2019View Award
14Morgan EipperContracts IISpring2019View Award
15Kathryn EmigCriminal ProcedureSpring2019View Award
16Gianna FranceschiniTorts IISpring2019View Award
17Gianna FranceschiniCivil Procedure IISpring2019View Award
18Benjamin GabbertReal Property ISpring2019View Award
19Benjamin GabbertContracts IISpring2019View Award
20Dallas HawkinsLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IISpring2019View Award
21Maria HernandezDomestic RelationsSpring2019View Award
22Ivrol HinesPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSpring2019View Award
23Jenna HoughCivil Procedure IISpring2019View Award
24Jenna HoughReal Property ISpring2019View Award
25Maya JeanpierrePre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSpring2019View Award
26Jessica JonesCriminal Justice LawyeringSpring2019View Award
27Katherine KarassikAdvanced EvidenceSpring2019View Award
28Bryson LaxLegal Writing, Research & Analysis ISpring2019View Award
29Robert LeoneCriminal Trial AdvocacySpring2019View Award
30Roderick MaloneAgency and the Employment RelationshipSpring2019View Award
31Precious MarshTransactional DraftingSpring2019View Award
32Jarrett MillerBankruptcySpring2019View Award
33Jarrett MillerMastering Legal PrinciplesSpring2019View Award
34Tierra MonteiroLegal Writing, Research & Analysis ISpring2019View Award
35Pantia NeissaniConstitutional Law IISpring2019View Award
36Aristides PassasCivil Procedure IISpring2019View Award
37Yogin PatelTransactional DraftingSpring2019View Award
38Adrianna PedroCriminal Trial AdvocacySpring2019View Award
39Milissa PembletonConstitutional Law IISpring2019View Award
40Miriam PerfectoCriminal ProcedureSpring2019View Award
41Courtney RicklesConstitutional Law IISpring2019View Award
42Chanceity RobinsonRemediesSpring2019View Award
43Thomas SizemoreLegal Writing, Research & Analysis ISpring2019View Award
44Traci TrippeCriminal Procedure IISpring2019View Award
45Traci TrippeSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2019View Award
46Heather TuckerCriminal Law EthicsSpring2019View Award
47Zachary WarfelLegal Writing, Research & Analysis ISpring2019View Award

Fall 2018

1Nikita AliDomestic RelationsFall2018View Award
2Jarrett ArcherConstitutional Law IFall2018View Award
3Jarrett ArcherLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIFall2018View Award
4Jesus ArredondoGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2018View Award
5Tarla AtwellGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2018View Award
6Denethris BarnesElectronic SecurityFall2018View Award
7Gregory BowenEvidenceFall2018View Award
8Hunter BurkhalterConstitutional Law IFall2018View Award
9Jessica BurtonEvidenceFall2018View Award
10Jada ButlerReal Property IIFall2018View Award
11Casey CooperRemediesFall2018View Award
12Constance CopelandProfessional ResponsibilityFall2018View Award
13Asendra DavisCivil LibertiesFall2018View Award
14Asendra DavisLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIFall2018View Award
15Bryan DaytonTrial AdvocacyFall2018View Award
16Somalia DixonLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIFall2018View Award
17Morgan EipperContracts IFall2018View Award
18Morgan EipperCiminal LawFall2018View Award
19Kathryn EmigConstitutional Law IFall2018View Award
20Kathryn EmigEvidenceFall2018View Award
21Benjamin GabbertCivil Procedure IFall2018View Award
22Benjamin GabbertTorts IFall2018View Award
23Rebecca GrahamGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2018View Award
24Jasmine HolmanAgency and the Employment RelationshipFall2018View Award
25Sherin HylanLegal Communication and ProcessFall2018View Award
26Andrea JollyCriminal Justice Lawyering & WritingFall2018View Award
27Robert LeoneCriminal ProcedureFall2018View Award
28Robert LeoneLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIFall2018View Award
29Kristen MacKenzieReal Property IIFall2018View Award
30Roderick MaloneCorrections LawFall2018View Award
31Awa MarenahLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IIFall2018View Award
32Brittany MeeksLegal Communication and ProcessFall2018View Award
33Pantia NeissaniRemediesFall2018View Award
34Teana OvertonCivil LibertiesFall2018View Award
35Taylor PattersonMastering Legal SkillsFall2018View Award
36Antonio PishvaiLegal Communication and ProcessFall2018View Award
37Jordan RiserCriminal Pre-trial AdvocacyFall2018View Award
38Nicholas RizzaContracts IFall2018View Award
39Jennifer SanchezTorts IFall2018View Award
40Jennifer SanchezCivil Procedure IFall2018View Award
41Jennifer SanchezLegal Communication and ProcessFall2018View Award
42Sofia SanclementeJuvenile LawFall2018View Award
43Vance SatterfieldTorts IFall2018View Award
44Thomas SizemoreCriminal LawFall2018View Award
45Russell TaylorSales and Secured TransactionsFall2018View Award
46Andrew TuggleCivil LibertiesFall2018View Award
47Angel WhiteBusiness OrganizationsFall2018View Award
48Danielle WhittakerTransactional DraftingFall2018View Award
49Christopher WilliamsReal Property IFall2018View Award
50Mindi ZhangCivil Procedure IFall2018View Award

Summer 2018

1Jesus ArredondoCivil Procedure IISummer2018View Award
2Meciala BoldenAdministrative LawSummer2018View Award
3Dennis BostCyber Security and Privacy LawSummer2018View Award
4Austin DabneyAdministrative LawSummer2018View Award
5Ellen DorseyElectronic DiscoverySummer2018View Award
6Natalie JacobsenContracts IISummer2018View Award
7Natalie JacobsenTorts IISummer2018View Award
8Jonelle LacyPatent LawSummer2018View Award
9Pantia NeissaniProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2018View Award
10Erica RuggieroElectronic DiscoverySummer2018View Award
11Jillian SheridanAgency and the Employment RelationshipSummer2018View Award
12Shauki SmithCyber Security and Privacy LawSummer2018View Award
13Traci TrippeCriminal LawSummer2018View Award
14Danielle WhittakerProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2018View Award

Spring 2018

1Serguel AkitiCriminal Law EthicsSpring2018View Award
2Nana-Yaa AmaningJuvenile LawSpring2018View Award
3Jarrett ArcherCivil Procedure IISpring2018View Award
4Jarrett ArcherLWRA ISpring2018View Award
5Tyler BaumTrial Advocacy and WritingSpring2018View Award
6Samantha BeskinAdvanced Criminal ProcedureSpring2018View Award
7Jason BlackGeorgia Civil Practice and ProcedureSpring2018View Award
8Hunter BurkhalterContracts IISpring2018View Award
9Rodrequez BurnettBankruptcySpring2018View Award
10Brittany ChenaultLegal Communication and ProcessSpring2018View Award
11Catherine CheneyArbitration and WritingSpring2018View Award
12Catherine CheneyEvidence IISpring2018View Award
13Gabriel DanielRemediesSpring2018View Award
14Gabriel DanielConstitutional Law IISpring2018View Award
15Tiffany DumasBusiness OrganizationsSpring2018View Award
16James ElliottReal Property ISpring2018View Award
17John GibsonLegal Communication and ProcessSpring2018View Award
18Delsa GreenLWRA ISpring2018View Award
19Daniel HerreraAdvanced EvidenceSpring2018View Award
20Ivrol HinesSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2018View Award
21Ivrol HinesConstitutional Law IISpring2018View Award
22Mary HughesTorts IISpring2018View Award
23Kandace HyersElectronic DiscoverySpring2018View Award
24Ekram IsmaelCivil Procedure IISpring2018View Award
25Natalie JacobsenLegal Communication and ProcessSpring2018View Award
26Natalie JacobsenContracts ISpring2018View Award
27Natalie JacobsenCivil Procedure ISpring2018View Award
28Jessica JonesLWRA ISpring2018View Award
29Lana JosephMastering Legal PrincplesSpring2018View Award
30Hassan KouyateConstitutional Law IISpring2018View Award
31Hassan KouyateTransactional DraftingSpring2018View Award
32Andrew MahoneyCivil Procedure IISpring2018View Award
33Brittany MathisLRWA ISpring2018View Award
34Jarrett MillerBusiness OrganizationsSpring2018View Award
35Randall MixonLabor LawSpring2018View Award
36Pantia NeissaniReal Property IISpring2018View Award
37Pantia NeissaniCriminal ProcedureSpring2018View Award
38Teana OvertonTorts IISpring2018View Award
39Yogin PatelSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2018View Award
40Katie PayneAdvanced Criminal ProcedureSpring2018View Award
41Katie PayneImmigration LawSpring2018View Award
42Megan PetersonLWRA ISpring2018View Award
43Kristan PolardHealth Care LawSpring2018View Award
44Kristan PolardAlternative Dispute ResolutionSpring2018View Award
45Kristan PolardMastering Legal PrincplesSpring2018View Award
46Kristan PolardWills, Trusts and EstatesSpring2018View Award
47Nicholas PopeContracts IISpring2018View Award
48Andrew PuckettConstitutional Law SeminarSpring2018View Award
49Jillian SheridanTrial Advocacy and WritingSpring2018View Award
50Miranda SiegelReal Property ISpring2018View Award
51Bianka StrongAlternative Dispute ResolutionSpring2018View Award
52Bianka StrongAlternative Dispute ResolutionSpring2018View Award
53Rodney ViningPretrialSpring2018View Award
54Danielle WhittakerCriminal ProcedureSpring2018View Award
55Kenda WilliamsReal Property ISpring2018View Award
56Kenda WilliamsTorts IISpring2018View Award
57Sungnam YiCopyright LawSpring2018View Award
58Sungnam YiFederal Income TaxationSpring2018View Award

Fall 2017

1Brittanie AllenLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIFall2017View Award
2Sydney AllisonReal Property IIFall2017View Award
3Tricia AndrewElectronic DiscoveryFall2017View Award
4Jarrett ArcherCivil Procedure IFall2017View Award
5Jarrett ArcherCriminal LawFall2017View Award
6Jarrett ArcherContracts IFall2017View Award
7Jarrett ArcherTorts IFall2017View Award
8Karla BassCivil Procedure IFall2017View Award
9Tyler BaumProfessional ResponsibilityFall2017View Award
10John BeasonCriminal Pre-Trial AdvocacyFall2017View Award
11Zachary BeckLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IFall2017View Award
12Sean Bekoe-TabiriLegal Communication and ProcessFall2017View Award
13Andrew P. BennettSales and Secured TransactionsFall2017View Award
14William BlackProfessional ResponsibilityFall2017View Award
15Debora BlairPretrialFall2017View Award
16Dennis BostAgency and the Employment RelationshipFall2017View Award
17Nikeisha BradleyDomestic RelationsFall2017View Award
18Nikeisha BradleyRemediesFall2017View Award
19Terrence BurroughsSmall Entity Formation and WritingFall2017View Award
20Terrence BurroughsEvidenceFall2017View Award
21Calvana CedantRemediesFall2017View Award
22Catherine CheneyAgency and the Employment RelationshipFall2017View Award
23Catherine CheneyConstitutional Law IFall2017View Award
24Catherine CheneyMastering Legal SkillsFall2017View Award
25Kimberly ChildsGeorgia Civil Practice and ProcedureFall2017View Award
26Jayla CooleyCivil Procedure IFall2017View Award
27Akil Dan-FodioTransactional DraftingFall2017View Award
28Gabriel DanielConstitutional Law IFall2017View Award
29Sharif FulcherCriminal ProcedureFall2017View Award
30Micah FullerLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIFall2017View Award
31Sharif FultonCriminal ProcedureFall2017View Award
32Jaryd GreenRemediesFall2017View Award
33Dwight HarrisAdvanced Analytical MethodsFall2017View Award
34Rawne HeinrichSmall Entity Formation and WritingFall2017View Award
35Ivrol HinesReal Property IIFall2017View Award
36Mary HughesTorts IFall2017View Award
37Ashley JamiesonMastering Legal SkillsFall2017View Award
38Sydny JonesElectronic DiscoveryFall2017View Award
39Shanita JonesConstitutional Law IFall2017View Award
40Cortney JonkerAdvanced Analytical MethodsFall2017View Award
41Hassan KouyateLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIFall2017View Award
42Hassan KouyateConstitutional Law IFall2017View Award
43Joseph LynchLegal Communication and ProcessFall2017View Award
44Sultana MadhubiLegal Communication and ProcessFall2017View Award
45Andrew MahoneyContracts IFall2017View Award
46Andrew MahoneyCriminal LawFall2017View Award
47Alexander MalcomTorts IFall2017View Award
48Alexander MalcomCivil Procedure IFall2017View Award
49Roderick MaloneGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2017View Award
50Torri MartinElectronic DiscoveryFall2017View Award
51Danielle McCrayCriminal Justice Lawyering & WritingFall2017View Award
52Danielle McCrayEvidence IFall2017View Award
53Cynthia McDonaldLegal Communication and ProcessFall2017View Award
54Brandy McMichaelSports LawFall2017View Award
55Jarrett MillerLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIFall2017View Award
56Sarah OwensbyElectronic SecurityFall2017View Award
57Ashley PateLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIFall2017View Award
58Kristan PolardMastering Legal SkillsFall2017View Award
59Kristan PolardElectronic SecurityFall2017View Award
60Lindsay RoachLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIFall2017View Award
61Lindsay RoachReal Property IFall2017View Award
62Kimberly RojikElectronic DiscoveryFall2017View Award
63Daysha ScottJuvenile LawFall2017View Award
64Cherie SebroContracts IFall2017View Award
65Yilun ShenCivil Procedure IFall2017View Award
66La’Porscha SmallsBusiness OrganizationsFall2017View Award
67Sara SmithEvidence IFall2017View Award
68Jessica SwordsLegal Communication and ProcessFall2017View Award
69Joseph TaylorCivil Procedure IFall2017View Award
70Priscilla UpshawEducation LawFall2017View Award
71Priscilla UpshawTrial AdvocacyFall2017View Award
72Danielle WhittakerJuvenile LawFall2017View Award
73Tiffany WilliamsLegal Writing, Research and Analysis IIFall2017View Award

Summer 2017

1Zachary BeckContracts IISummer2017View Award
2William BlackCyber Security & Privacy LawSummer2017View Award
3Nikeisha BradleyWills, Trusts and EstatesSummer2017View Award
4Caitlin ClarkeElectronic DiscoverySummer2017View Award
5Matthew EcholsPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSummer2017View Award
6Alexander GraceCivil Procedures IISummer2017View Award
7Maria HernandezHealth Care LawSummer2017View Award
8Marsha HerringCriminal LawSummer2017View Award
9Miguel RodriguezIntellectual PropertySummer2017View Award
10Ziara SahaiTorts IISummer2017View Award
11Daniel StilesCyber Security & Privacy LawSummer2017View Award

Spring 2017

1Alan AbediProfessional ResponsibilitySpring2017View Award
2Joshua AdamsContracts IISpring2017View Award
3Serguel AkitiAdvanced Criminal ProcedureSpring2017View Award
4Timothy AldridgeLabor LawSpring2017View Award
5Sadia AliProfessional ResponsibilitySpring2017View Award
6Brittanie AllenLWRA ISpring2017View Award
7Tricia AndrewCriminal ProcedureSpring2017View Award
8Tyler BaumPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSpring2017View Award
9Zachary BeckReal Property ISpring2017View Award
10Zachary BeckTorts ISpring2017View Award
11Zackary BeckLegal Communication ProcessSpring2017View Award
12Zachary BeckCivil Procedures ISpring2017View Award
13Andrew P. BennettTrademark LawSpring2017View Award
14Jamal BethuneConstitutional Law SeminarSpring2017View Award
15Jamal BethuneCyber Security & Privacy LawSpring2017View Award
16Kameisha BinnsEducation LawSpring2017View Award
17Kameisha BinnsDomestic RelationsSpring2017View Award
18Jason BlackCriminal Pre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSpring2017View Award
19William BlackConstitutional Law IISpring2017View Award
20Meciala BoldenAgency RelationshipSpring2017View Award
21Gregory Bowen, Jr.LWRA ISpring2017View Award
22Zachary BowmanMastering Legal PrinciplesSpring2017View Award
23Zane BradfordBankruptcySpring2017View Award
24Rodrequez BurnettBusiness OrganizationsSpring2017View Award
25Naja BurroughsLWRA ISpring2017View Award
26Calvana CedantAdvanced EvidenceSpring2017View Award
27William CollinsAdvanced Criminal ProcedureSpring2017View Award
28Taylor DecianoReal Property ISpring2017View Award
29Rosa DunkleyEntertainment LawSpring2017View Award
30Micah FullerCivil Procedures IISpring2017View Award
31Timothy GandyConstitutional Legal HistorySpring2017View Award
32Christle GuinyardDeath Penalty SeminarSpring2017View Award
33Christle GuinyardCriminal Law EthicsSpring2017View Award
34Shantia HeadInsurance LawSpring2017View Award
35Ivrol HinesLWRA ISpring2017View Award
36Ivrol HinesContracts IISpring2017View Award
37Kimberly HowardEvidence IISpring2017View Award
38David HumePre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSpring2017View Award
39Neekisia JacksonRace and LawSpring2017View Award
40Andrea JollyJurisprudence and WritingSpring2017View Award
41Sydny J. JonesSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2017View Award
42Lana JosephConstitutional Law IISpring2017View Award
43Lana JosephSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2017View Award
44Stephanie KozolElectronic DiscoverySpring2017View Award
45Kayla KudrattCriminal Justice LawyeringSpring2017View Award
46Myeedah Leslie-GreenContracts ISpring2017View Award
47Kendra LivingstonLaw, Lawyers & LiteratureSpring2017View Award
48Dillon MackelLWRA ISpring2017View Award
49Torri MartinMastering Legal SkillsSpring2017View Award
50Jarrett MillerTorts IISpring2017View Award
51Jarrett MillerContracts IISpring2017View Award
52Jarrett MillerLWRA ISpring2017View Award
53Jarrett MillerReal Property ISpring2017View Award
54Tara MurscoeCyber Security & Privacy LawSpring2017View Award
55Nam NguyenGeorgia Practice and ProcedureSpring2017View Award
56Sarah OwensbyElectronic DiscoverySpring2017View Award
57John PadeskyAdvanced Appellate AdvocacySpring2017View Award
58Yogin PatelLWRA ISpring2017View Award
59Kristan PolardBusiness OrganizationsSpring2017View Award
60Kristan PolardConstitutional Law IISpring2017View Award
61Kristan PolardCriminal ProcedureSpring2017View Award
62Kimberly RojikMastering Legal PrinciplesSpring2017View Award
63Irlanda RuizAlternative Dispute ResolutionSpring2017View Award
64Jillian SheridanCivil Procedures IISpring2017View Award
65Katryna SpearmanWills, Trusts and EstatesSpring2017View Award
66Russell TaylorReal Property IISpring2017View Award
67Heather TuckerTorts IISpring2017View Award
68Heather TuckerCivil Procedures IISpring2017View Award
69Tyler WatkinsTransactional DraftingSpring2017View Award
70Angel WhiteTorts IISpring2017View Award
71Tiffany WilliamsLWRA ISpring2017View Award

Fall 2016

1Tarla AtwellCriminal ProcedureFall2016View Award
2Alika BaronLegal Communication and ProcessFall2016View Award
3Andrew P. BennettEvidence IFall2016View Award
4Jamal BethuneElectronic DiscoveryFall2016View Award
5William BlackReal Property IFall2016View Award
6Matthew BlakeLegal Communication and ProcessFall2016View Award
7Nikeisha BradleyGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2016View Award
8Robert BuskirkTransactional DraftingFall2016View Award
9Katherine DoddTransactional DraftingFall2016View Award
10Juanicia EverettProfessional ResponsibilityFall2016View Award
11Melanie FainPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureFall2016View Award
12Sharif FulcherCriminal LawFall2016View Award
13Siohvaughn Funches-WadeProfessional ResponsibilityFall2016View Award
14Jaryd GreenSports LawFall2016View Award
15Chelsea HeronEvidenceFall2016View Award
16Marsha HerringContracts IFall2016View Award
17David HumeRemediesFall2016View Award
18Marcus JacksonTorts IFall2016View Award
19Kendryck JohnsonSales and Secured TransactionsFall2016View Award
20Lana JosephConstitutional Law IFall2016View Award
21LaJimmie KingContracts IFall2016View Award
22Tom KirkbrideLand Use PlanningFall2016View Award
23Tara LatimerCriminal ProcedureFall2016View Award
24Michael LeeContracts IFall2016View Award
25Travis McDowellAdvanced Analytical MethodsFall2016View Award
26Jarrett MillerCivil Procedures IFall2016View Award
27Jarrett MillerLegal Communication and ProcessFall2016View Award
28Hidden by requestElectronic DiscoveryFall2016View Award
29Sharon PayneWriting for the MPTFall2016View Award
30Kristan PolardConstitutional Law IFall2016View Award
31Kristan PolardReal Property IIFall2016View Award
32Erik ProvittCriminal Pre-Trial Practice and ProcedureFall2016View Award
33Liliana RamirezWills, Trusts, and EstatesFall2016View Award
34Lindsay RoachTorts IFall2016View Award
35Lindsay RoachLegal Communication and ProcessFall2016View Award
36Kimberly RojikBusiness OrganizationsFall2016View Award
37Kimberly RojikRemediesFall2016View Award
38Ayrn SedoreConstitutional Law IFall2016View Award
39Ernest StedgeElection LawFall2016View Award
40Bionca ThomasCriminal LawFall2016View Award
41Heather TuckerCivil Procedures IFall2016View Award
42Sara WardlowTrial AdvocacyFall2016View Award
43Tyler WatkinsInternet LawFall2016View Award
44Randy WilliamsTorts IFall2016View Award
45Kamaria WomackReal Property IIFall2016View Award
46Kamaria WomackEvidenceFall2016View Award
47Michael WynterRemediesFall2016View Award
48Jenna ZalisAdvanced Analytical MethodsFall2016View Award

Summer 2016

1Allison CrainJuvenile LawSummer2016View Award
2Angelina P. DavisElectronic DiscoverySummer2016View Award
3Angelina DavisElectronic DiscoverySummer2016View Award
4Merry DodsonEducation LawSummer2016View Award
5Jaryd GreenPretrial PracticeSummer2016View Award
6Scott HendrixIntellectual PropertySummer2016View Award
7David HumeProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2016View Award
8Terrance PryorCriminal LawSummer2016View Award
9Sofia SanclementeImmigration LawSummer2016View Award
10Ayrn SedoreCivil Procedure IISummer2016View Award
11Ayrn SedoreTorts IISummer2016View Award
12De’La SpearsAdvanced Analytical MethodsSummer2016View Award
13Darrylnn ThomasElectronic DiscoverySummer2016View Award

Spring 2016

1Tricia AndrewLWRA IISpring2016View Award
2Jasmine N. BarberTrial AdvocacySpring2016View Award
3Michael BarrettEmployment LawSpring2016View Award
4Michael BarrettGeorgia Legal CounselingSpring2016View Award
5Andrew BennettLWRA IISpring2016View Award
6Jamal BethuneBusiness OrganizationsSpring2016View Award
7William BlackLWRA IISpring2016View Award
8Michelle L. BlochElectronic DiscoverySpring2016View Award
9Michelle L. BlochEvidence IISpring2016View Award
10Bianca CallowayTorts IISpring2016View Award
11Gregory ChancyWills, Trusts & EstatesSpring2016View Award
12Catherine CheneyLWRA IISpring2016View Award
13Antoinette ClaringtonCriminal Pre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2016View Award
14Akil Dan-FodioLWRA ISpring2016View Award
15Angelina DavisTransactional DraftingSpring2016View Award
16Angelina P. DavisTransactional DraftingSpring2016View Award
17Angelina DavisSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2016View Award
18Angelina P. DavisSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2016View Award
19Peggy EllisonCriminal EthicsSpring2016View Award
20Janet FashinasiElectronic DiscoverySpring2016View Award
21Travis ForemanGeorgia Practice & ProcedureSpring2016View Award
22Kerry GebhardtLaw and ReligionSpring2016View Award
23Kerry GebhardtCriminal Pre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2016View Award
24Kerry GebhardtAdvanced EvidenceSpring2016View Award
25Edward GreenblatLWRA IISpring2016View Award
26Edward GreenblatContracts IISpring2016View Award
27Jonathan HamrickLWRA IISpring2016View Award
28Brian HeflinDomestic RelationsSpring2016View Award
29Doug HendyConstitutional Law IISpring2016View Award
30David HumeFederal Income TaxSpring2016View Award
31David HumeTransactional DraftingSpring2016View Award
32Nives JuricAlternate Dispute ResolutionSpring2016View Award
33Nives JuricLaw, Lawyers & LiteratureSpring2016View Award
34Nives JuricLegislationSpring2016View Award
35Gerika KellyCivil Procedure IISpring2016View Award
36Gerika KellyReal Property IISpring2016View Award
37Aklima KhondokerWriting for the MPTSpring2016View Award
38Tara LatimerReal Property ISpring2016View Award
39Taylor LeftwichLWRA IISpring2016View Award
40Mildred Letsu-TettehContracts IISpring2016View Award
41Christian LewisCopyright LawSpring2016View Award
42Owen LynchBankruptcySpring2016View Award
43James ManlyAdvanced Appellate AdvocacySpring2016View Award
44Brandy McMichaelPatent LawSpring2016View Award
45Ernest MontgomeryCorrections LawSpring2016View Award
46Amara MontgomeryCriminal Justice LawyeringSpring2016View Award
47Nam NguyenAdvanced Criminal ProcedureSpring2016View Award
48Nam NguyenConstitutional Law IISpring2016View Award
49Melanie NiblettGeorgia Practice & ProcedureSpring2016View Award
50Adaobi OnuohaContracts ISpring2016View Award
51John PadeskyPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2016View Award
52Samantha ParksArbitration and WritingSpring2016View Award
53Sharon PayneSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2016View Award
54Kristan PolardCivil Procedure IISpring2016View Award
55Andrew PuckettCivil Procedure IISpring2016View Award
56Enrique RamosContracts IISpring2016View Award
57Rachel RobertsCriminal ProcedureSpring2016View Award
58Rachel RobertsDomestic RelationsSpring2016View Award
59Sydney RobinsonConstitutional Law IISpring2016View Award
60Leonid SaksonHealth Care LawSpring2016View Award
61Christina ScottReal Property ISpring2016View Award
62Ayrn SedoreContracts ISpring2016View Award
63Ayrn SedoreCivil Procedure ISpring2016View Award
64Tracy SwearingenCorrections LawSpring2016View Award
65Tyler WatkinsCriminal ProcedureSpring2016View Award
66Tyler WatkinsConstitutional Law IISpring2016View Award
67Allison M. WhitfieldLWRA IISpring2016View Award
68Jarvis WilliamsTorts ISpring2016View Award
69Rayshawn WilliamsLWRA IISpring2016View Award
70Kamaria WomackLWRA IISpring2016View Award
71Nedra WoodsTorts IISpring2016View Award
72Nedra WoodsLWRA IISpring2016View Award
73Anna WyattPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2016View Award
74Anna WyattBusiness OrganizationsSpring2016View Award

Fall 2015

1Sadia A. AliPretrialFall2015View Award
2Dominique AmackerLWRA IFall2015View Award
3Jessalyn D. BarrettTorts IFall2015View Award
4Chantiel D. BellBusiness OrganizationsFall2015View Award
5Denise C. BellBusiness OrganizationsFall2015View Award
6Andrew P. BennettCriminal ProcedureFall2015View Award
7Aurielle BrooksEvidenceFall2015View Award
8Roshonda D. BrownTorts IFall2015View Award
9Khes M. CaldwellEntertainment LawFall2015View Award
10Bianca W. CallowayCivil Procedure IFall2015View Award
11Bianca W. CallowayCriminal LawFall2015View Award
12Kimberley M. ChildsConstitutional Law IFall2015View Award
13Kimberley M. ChildsEvidence IFall2015View Award
14Angela D’WilliamsImmigration LawFall2015View Award
15Ken W. DavisRemediesFall2015View Award
16Ken W. DavisConstitutional TortsFall2015View Award
17Peggy L. EllisonDeath Penalty & WritingFall2015View Award
18Spencer L. FredericksRemediesFall2015View Award
19Siohvaughn L. Funches-WadeEvidenceFall2015View Award
20Perry B. GreenEvidenceFall2015View Award
21Daniel B. HaggertyAdvanced Analytical MethodsFall2015View Award
22David L. JordanLocal Government LawFall2015View Award
23Heather M. KuhnLWRA IFall2015View Award
24Paul C. KunstSales & Secured TransactionsFall2015View Award
25Stephen LockardLWRA IFall2015View Award
26Owen P. LynchRemediesFall2015View Award
27Ernest E. MontgomeryTransactional DraftingFall2015View Award
28Shaheed A. NasirAdvanced Analytical MethodsFall2015View Award
29Nam H. NguyenReal Property IIFall2015View Award
30Nicolas M. ParkersonLaws in American HistoryFall2015View Award
31Sharon E. PayneTransactional DraftingFall2015View Award
32Russell I. PhillipsGeorgia Practice & ProcedureFall2015View Award
33Kristan A. PolardCriminal LawFall2015View Award
34Kristan A. PolardTorts IFall2015View Award
35Brandy L. PorterProfessional ResponsibilityFall2015View Award
36Andrew J. PuckettLWRA IFall2015View Award
37Enrique RamosContracts IFall2015View Award
38Robert R. RentfrowReal Property IFall2015View Award
39Glenn D. RichesonCivil Procedure IFall2015View Award
40Rachel N. RobertsConstitutional Law IFall2015View Award
41John T. RoseEvidenceFall2015View Award
42Leonid SaksonConflicts of LawFall2015View Award
43Christina S. ScottCivil Procedure IFall2015View Award
44Christina S. ScottLWRA IFall2015View Award
45Jillian A. SheridanContracts IFall2015View Award
46Anthony R. ShowellSmall Entity Formation & WritingFall2015View Award
47Anthony R. ShowellSports LawFall2015View Award
48Adrienne L. ThorntonLaw Office ManagementFall2015View Award
49Dustin TownsendWhite Collar CrimeFall2015View Award
50Tyler R. WatkinsConstitutional Law IFall2015View Award
51Victoria G. WheelerLWRA IIFall2015View Award
52Victoria G. WheelerReal Property IIFall2015View Award
53Victoria G. WheelerCriminal ProcedureFall2015View Award
54David A. WilsonProfessional ResponsibilityFall2015View Award
55David A. WilsonLabor LawFall2015View Award
56Kamaria J. WomackContracts IFall2015View Award
57Kamaria J. WomackLWRA IFall2015View Award

Summer 2015


Spring 2015

1Ashley B. AgueborCivil Procedure ISpring2015View Award
2Ashsley B. AgueborCivil Procedure ISpring2015View Award
3Timothy BatchelorEstate PlanningSpring2015View Award
4Timothy BatchelorTransactional DraftingSpring2015View Award
5Andrew P. BennettTorts IISpring2015View Award
6Lawton T. BrownInternet LawSpring2015View Award
7Lawton T. BrownPatent LawSpring2015View Award
8Stephen K. BuisGeorgia Practice & ProcedureSpring2015View Award
9Ken W. DavisConstitutional Law IISpring2015View Award
10Peggy L. EllisonAdvanced EvidenceSpring2015View Award
11Janet FashinasiBusiness OrganizationsSpring2015View Award
12Travis O. ForemanCriminal Pre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2015View Award
13Robert M. FrisbieWills, Trusts, and EstatesSpring2015View Award
14Siohvaughn L. Funches-WadeSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2015View Award
15Chadrick R. GilbertTransactional DraftingSpring2015View Award
16Alise C. GillhamDomestic RelationsSpring2015View Award
17Jessica GomezLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISpring2015View Award
18Brandon T. GuthrieInternet LawSpring2015View Award
19Aura M. HackshawContracts ISpring2015View Award
20Kiera L. HarveyPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2015View Award
21Audrey Heslop-SimmonsTrial AdvocacySpring2015View Award
22Brian J. HuckabyTransactional DraftingSpring2015View Award
23David B. HumeCivil Procedure IISpring2015View Award
24David B. HumeReal Property IISpring2015View Award
25Brian JenabzadehBankruptcySpring2015View Award
26Michelle L. JonesIntegrated Criminal PracticeSpring2015View Award
27Michelle L. JonesAdvanced EvidenceSpring2015View Award
28Audrey S. JouveGeorgia Practice & ProcedureSpring2015View Award
29Nives JuricConstitutional Law IISpring2015View Award
30Gerika R. KellyLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISpring2015View Award
31Ashley G. KimmelDomestic ViolenceSpring2015View Award
32Kendra N. LivingstonLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISpring2015View Award
33Kenneth E. McKenzieBankruptcySpring2015View Award
34Elise E. MillerCriminal Pre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2015View Award
35Amara R. MontgomeryEvidence IISpring2015View Award
36Amara R. MontgomeryWills, Trusts, and EstatesSpring2015View Award
37Nicolas M. ParkersonLaw, Lawyers & LiteratureSpring2015View Award
38Andrew J. PowellCriminal Pre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2015View Award
39Robert R. RentfrowLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISpring2015View Award
40Robert R. RentfrowContracts IISpring2015View Award
41Emily S. RobertsonAdvanced EvidenceSpring2015View Award
42John T. RoseLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISpring2015View Award
43Jason E. RossHealth Care LawSpring2015View Award
44Caleb G. SaggusContracts IISpring2015View Award
45Caleb G. SaggusLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISpring2015View Award
46Caleb G. SaggusReal Property ISpring2015View Award
47Leonid SaksonSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2015View Award
48David M. SchlachterCriminal Law EthicsSpring2015View Award
49Camille L. ScottRemediesSpring2015View Award
50Scott P. SerafyContracts IISpring2015View Award
51Beck C. ShadingerConstitutional Law IISpring2015View Award
52Anthony R. ShowellTrademark LawSpring2015View Award
53Dale R. SobelAdvanced Dispute Resolution and WritingSpring2015View Award
54Kimberly A. StahlAdvanced EvidenceSpring2015View Award
55Jessica N. StoryReal Property ISpring2015View Award
56Marsha M. TerryCriminal Pre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2015View Award
57Masha M. TerryCriminal Pre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2015View Award
58Chelsea ThomasCivil Procedure IISpring2015View Award
59Samantha S. TrippedoAdvanced EvidenceSpring2015View Award
60Ian M. WalkerBusiness OrganizationsSpring2015View Award
61Tyler R. WatkinsTorts IISpring2015View Award
62Victoria G. WheelerLegal Research, Writing and Analysis ISpring2015View Award
63Victoria G. WheelerTorts ISpring2015View Award
64Matthew K. WilliamsAdministrative LawSpring2015View Award
65Miracle A. WilliamsEvidence IISpring2015View Award
66Wilby F. WolfsonJurisprudenceSpring2015View Award
67Grace W. ZollerCivil Procedure IISpring2015View Award
68Grace W. ZollerLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISpring2015View Award
69Grace W. ZollerTorts IISpring2015View Award

Fall 2014

1Neil B. AndersonLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IFall2014View Award
2Nooshin F. BagheriImmigration ClinicFall2014View Award
3Benjamin F. BakerConstitutional Law IFall2014View Award
4Michael T. BarrettIntellectual PropertyFall2014View Award
5Timothy BatchelorFederal Income TaxFall2014View Award
6Andrew P. BennettTorts IFall2014View Award
7Laura E. BilbroughWills, Trusts, and EstatesFall2014View Award
8Michelle L. BlochCriminal ProcedureFall2014View Award
9Michelle L. BlochCivil Procedure IFall2014View Award
10Stacey M. BurkeLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IFall2014View Award
11Jason M. BurrussInsurance LawFall2014View Award
12Kimberly M. ChildsReal Property IFall2014View Award
13Robert M. CunninghamPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureFall2014View Award
14Rachel N. DunnImmigration LawFall2014View Award
15Arthur T. FergusonTransactional DraftingFall2014View Award
16Sharon L. FowlerGeorgia Practice & ProcedureFall2014View Award
17Stephanie L. GarnerBusiness OrganizationsFall2014View Award
18Keith L. GarrettAccounting for LawyersFall2014View Award
19Valerie A. GarrisonRemediesFall2014View Award
20Chadrick R. GilbertEntertainment LawFall2014View Award
21Aura M. HackshawTorts IFall2014View Award
22JB HilliardTransactional DraftingFall2014View Award
23Mary E. HortonTrial Advocacy & WritingFall2014View Award
24Brian JenabzadehBusiness OrganizationsFall2014View Award
25Sherre C. KiddContracts IFall2014View Award
26Sherre C. KiddCriminal LawFall2014View Award
27Kendra N. LivingstonLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IFall2014View Award
28Kendra N. LivingstonContracts IFall2014View Award
29Heather M. MillerAdvanced Legal ResearchFall2014View Award
30Ernest E. MontgomeryConstitutional Law IFall2014View Award
31Holly R. MorganAdvanced Analytical MethodsFall2014View Award
32Kelly L. MortonDomestic RelationsFall2014View Award
33Nam H. NguyenLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IFall2014View Award
34Andy PhamAdvanced Dispute Resolution and WritingFall2014View Award
35Caleb G. SaggusTorts IFall2014View Award
36Kimberly A. StahlJuvenile LawFall2014View Award
37Chelsea ThomasCivil Procedure IFall2014View Award
38Adrienne L. ThorntonProfessional ResponsibilityFall2014View Award
39Coleman P. VanSantCriminal LawFall2014View Award
40Leanna G. WadePre-Trial Practice & ProcedureFall2014View Award
41Leanna G. WadeCriminal LawFall2014View Award
42Leanna G. WadeEvidenceFall2014View Award
43Tyler R. WatkinsContracts IFall2014View Award
44Matthew K. WilliamsIntellectual PropertyFall2014View Award
45Matthew K. WilliamsRemediesFall2014View Award
46Tarrea D. WilliamsReal Estate FinanceFall2014View Award
47Tarrea D. WilliamsConstitutional Law IFall2014View Award
48Matthew K. WilliamsProfessional ResponsibilityFall2014View Award
49Corey D. WoodsPayment SystemsFall2014View Award
50Corey D. WoodsSmall Business Form: Legal & Practice IssuesFall2014View Award
51Grace W. ZollerLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IFall2014View Award
52Grace W. ZollerCivil Procedure IFall2014View Award

Summer 2014

1Benjamin F. BakerAdvanced Analytical MethodsSummer2014View Award
2Robert M. CunninghamProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2014View Award
3Ken W. DavisEmployment LawSummer2014View Award
4Robert M. FrisbieGeorgia Practice & ProcedureSummer2014View Award
5Angela R. GarrettProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2014View Award
6Christle L. GuinyardCriminal LawSummer2014View Award
7Amara R. MontgomeryPublic International LawSummer2014View Award
8Tara H. MurscoeCriminal LawSummer2014View Award
9Hidden by requestCriminal LawSummer2014View Award
10Lance C. PatrickContracts IISummer2014View Award
11William B. PetersHealth Care LawSummer2014View Award
12Melissa D. SabinLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISummer2014View Award
13Melissa D. SabinCivil Procedure IISummer2014View Award
14Matthew K. WilliamsEducation LawSummer2014View Award

Spring 2014

1Shawn H. AbrahamReal Property ISpring2014View Award
2Victor G. BaileyLabor LawSpring2014View Award
3Jasmine N. BarberReal Property – Honors ProgramSpring2014View Award
4Timothy BatchelorCivil Procedure ISpring2014View Award
5Timothy BatchelorLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISpring2014View Award
6Katherine G. BlaskaLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISpring2014View Award
7Katherine G. BlaskaContracts IISpring2014View Award
8Daniel BrownAlternate Dispute Resolution & WritingSpring2014View Award
9Zhiqian ChenCivil Procedure IISpring2014View Award
10Zhiqian ChenTorts IISpring2014View Award
11Irena ChernovaReal Estate FinanceSpring2014View Award
12Kimberly M. ChildsTorts IISpring2014View Award
13Robert M. T. CogginsWills, Trusts, and EstatesSpring2014View Award
14Joseph E. ColstonJuvenile LawSpring2014View Award
15Robert M. CunninghamEmployment LawSpring2014View Award
16Rachel N. DunnLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISpring2014View Award
17Robert M. FrisbieLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISpring2014View Award
18Stephanie L. GarnerConstitutional Law IISpring2014View Award
19Stephanie L. GarnerTrial AdvocacySpring2014View Award
20Brandy N. GentryWills, Trusts, and EstatesSpring2014View Award
21Brandy N. GentryRemediesSpring2014View Award
22Pepper N. GlennCivil Procedure IISpring2014View Award
23Adam J. HarknessSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2014View Award
24Adam J. HarknessPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2014View Award
25Mary E. HortonConstitutional Law IISpring2014View Award
26Michelle L. JonesLegal Research, Writing and Analysis II – HPSpring2014View Award
27Ian J. KahlerContracts IISpring2014View Award
28Nickolas R. KitchensEmployment LawSpring2014View Award
29Tyler C. KrauthPatent LawSpring2014View Award
30Megan L. LawlerInsurance LawSpring2014View Award
31James R. LewisAdvanced EvidenceSpring2014View Award
32Walter L. LutesWorkers’ CompensationSpring2014View Award
33Faith Richardson LynnBankruptcySpring2014View Award
34Benjamin D. McClureCriminal Procedure – Honors ProgramSpring2014View Award
35Matthew G. MesserliInternational Criminal LawSpring2014View Award
36Matthew G. MesserliCivil Procedure IISpring2014View Award
37Jason A. MitchellCriminal Pre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2014View Award
38Ernest E. MontgomeryReal Property IISpring2014View Award
39Mark OaksFederal Income TaxSpring2014View Award
40Lance C. PatrickContracts ISpring2014View Award
41William B. PetersEmployment LawSpring2014View Award
42Birgitte S. PetersenSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2014View Award
43Samuel E. RadinPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2014View Award
44Seema D. ReddyFederal CourtsSpring2014View Award
45Ingrid C. SaffreyReal Property IISpring2014View Award
46Christopher D. SandbachBusiness OrganizationsSpring2014View Award
47Scott H. SchaeferLegal Research, Writing and Analysis IISpring2014View Award
48Elizabeth B. ShinImmigration ClinicSpring2014View Award
49Jessica N. SmithCopyright LawSpring2014View Award
50Cecilia So-ChaeAdvanced Legal ResearchSpring2014View Award
51Kimberly A. StahlCriminal ProcedureSpring2014View Award
52Samuel S. SykesRemediesSpring2014View Award
53Marsha TerryIntegrated Criminal PracticeSpring2014View Award
54Nicole WangTransactional DraftingSpring2014View Award
55Mathis L. WilkensConstitutional Law IISpring2014View Award
56Matthew K. WilliamsBusiness OrganizationsSpring2014View Award
57Matthew K. WilliamsConstitutional Law IISpring2014View Award
58Peter WilliamsEmployment LawSpring2014View Award
59Nicole WongTransactional DraftingSpring2014View Award

Fall 2013

1Hidden by requestCivil Procedure IFall2013View Award
2Jasmine N. BarberCivil Procedure I – Honors ProgramFall2013View Award
3Jasmine N. BarberIntro to Criminal Justice I – Honors ProgramFall2013View Award
4Michael T. BarrettCivil Procedure I – Honors ProgramFall2013View Award
5Colin A. BarronTrial Advocacy & WritingFall2013View Award
6Danielle A. BatesAdvanced Analytical MethodsFall2013View Award
7Danielle A. BatesConstitutional Law IFall2013View Award
8Hidden by requestCivil Procedure IFall2013View Award
9Cecilia ChaeCriminal LawFall2013View Award
10Cecilia ChaeBusiness OrganizationsFall2013View Award
11Hidden by requestTorts IFall2013View Award
12Zhiqian ChenTorts IFall2013View Award
13Kimberly M. ChildsLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2013View Award
14Antoinette S. ClaringtonLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2013View Award
15Joya F. DavisConstitutional Theory & InterpretationFall2013View Award
16Catherine G. DeRothDomestic RelationsFall2013View Award
17Rachel N. DunnLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2013View Award
18Emily A. EverestImmigration LawFall2013View Award
19Jephonne R. L. FosterEmployment LawFall2013View Award
20Robert M. FrisbieContracts IFall2013View Award
21Brandy N. GentryConstitutional Legal HistoryFall2013View Award
22Brandy N. GentryIntellectual PropertyFall2013View Award
23Ashley R. GibsonLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2013View Award
24Pepper N. GlennTorts IFall2013View Award
25Pepper N. GlennLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2013View Award
26Adam J. HarknessTransactional DraftingFall2013View Award
27Sayed P. A. HashemiTransactional DraftingFall2013View Award
28Sayed P. A. HashemiTrademark LawFall2013View Award
29Dereck J. HechtEvidence IFall2013View Award
30Stefanie D. HilliardAdvanced Appellate AdvocacyFall2013View Award
31Andrew J. HornerEntertainment LawFall2013View Award
32David B. HumeLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2013View Award
33Laura E. HutchinsJuvenile LawFall2013View Award
34Michelle L. JonesCriminal Law – Honors ProgramFall2013View Award
35Stefka P. KelivanovaLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2013View Award
36Nickolas R. KitchensEmployment DiscriminationFall2013View Award
37Tyler C. KrauthEvidenceFall2013View Award
38Aimee LaTouretteProfessional ResponsibilityFall2013View Award
39Bethany L. LavignoLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2013View Award
40Bethany L. LavignoContracts IFall2013View Award
41Owen P. LynchContracts IFall2013View Award
42Nadia M. MaharajPublic International LawFall2013View Award
43Christopher J. MartinEstate PlanningFall2013View Award
44Kiersten S. MathewsInternet LawFall2013View Award
45Nika R. MathisEnvironmental LawFall2013View Award
46Benjamin D. McClureLegal Writing, Research & Analysis I – Honors ProgFall2013View Award
47Sarah MetzReal Property IFall2013View Award
48Jason A. MitchellConstitutional Law IFall2013View Award
49Koji NoguchiSales & Secured TransactionsFall2013View Award
50Koji NoguchiPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureFall2013View Award
51Mark D. OaksCriminal LawFall2013View Award
52Cassie D. PrestonConstitutional Theory & InterpretationFall2013View Award
53Bryan L. RayburnWills, Trusts, and EstatesFall2013View Award
54Larissa E. RedmondAdvanced Analytical MethodsFall2013View Award
55Leonid SaksonReal Property IFall2013View Award
56Scott H. SchaeferContracts IFall2013View Award
57Jordan C. SullivanReal Estate FinanceFall2013View Award
58Andrew R. TateLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2013View Award
59Dekia K. ThompsonReal Property IFall2013View Award
60Adam C. TomlinCivil Procedure IFall2013View Award
61Lydia E. ToomerAdvanced Analytical MethodsFall2013View Award
62Andrew W. TurnerAlternate Dispute Resolution & WritingFall2013View Award
63Austin J. WaldoPayment SystemsFall2013View Award
64Austin J. WaldoGeorgia Practice & ProcedureFall2013View Award
65Elizabeth B. WeatherlyTransactional DraftingFall2013View Award
66Michael L. WeaverConstitutional Law IFall2013View Award
67LoriBeth G. P. WestbrookTrial Advocacy & WritingFall2013View Award
68Michael W. WheatleyAdvanced Criminal ProcedureFall2013View Award
69Mathis L. WilkensInsurance LawFall2013View Award
70Mathis L. WilkensConstitutional Law IFall2013View Award
71Tarrea D. WilliamsCriminal ProcedureFall2013View Award
72Mathew K. WilliamsEvidenceFall2013View Award
73Tarrea D. WilliamsCivil Procedure IFall2013View Award
74Arletha M. WilsonEvidenceFall2013View Award
75Holli L. WoodsLegal Writing, Research & Analysis IFall2013View Award
76Charles H. YangAdvance Analytical MethodsFall2013View Award

Summer 2013

1Maureen R. AndersonWhite Collar CrimeSummer2013View Award
2Mark A. Bell, IIIProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2013View Award
3Stephen K. BuisTransactional DraftingSummer2013View Award
4Sean P. CollinsCriminal LawSummer2013View Award
5Marcus A. DickersonGA Practice & ProcedureSummer2013View Award
6Matthew C. DyalCopyright LawSummer2013View Award
7Tyler C. KrauthFederal Income TaxSummer2013View Award
8Aimee La TouretteSecurities RegulationSummer2013View Award
9Matthew G. MesserliInternational Business Transactions & WritingSummer2013View Award
10Koji NoguchiPatent Drafting and ProsecutionSummer2013View Award
11Cassie D. PrestonProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2013View Award
12Kimberly A. StahlJurisprudence and WritingSummer2013View Award
13Uchenna Mary-Anne UzokaImmigration LawSummer2013View Award

Spring 2013

1Jeremiah AmosPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2013View Award
2Andrea BettsDomestic ViolenceSpring2013View Award
3Jarold BooneTrademark LawSpring2013View Award
4Robert BrossLWRA IISpring2013View Award
5Robert BrossCivil Procedure IISpring2013View Award
6Ungeliqua BurnsGA Practice & ProcedureSpring2013View Award
7Anthony J. CapozzoloComparative Criminal ProcedureSpring2013View Award
8Cecilia ChaeReal Property IISpring2013View Award
9Steven ChenLegislationSpring2013View Award
10Irena ChernovaSeminar-Privacy LawSpring2013View Award
11Irena ChernovaConstitutional Law IISpring2013View Award
12Denise ChildsConflict of LawsSpring2013View Award
13Denise ChildsInternational Criminal LawSpring2013View Award
14Alexandria ClarkConstitutional Law IISpring2013View Award
15Robert CogginsBusiness OrganizationsSpring2013View Award
16Kristen CollinsLWRA IISpring2013View Award
17Randall CovardJuvenile LawSpring2013View Award
18Randall CovardArbitration & WritingSpring2013View Award
19Randall CovardCriminal ProcedureSpring2013View Award
20Ken DavisContracts IISpring2013View Award
21Marcus DickersonBusiness OrganizationsSpring2013View Award
22Clifton DorsenConstitutional Law IISpring2013View Award
23Lauren DukesEntertainment LawSpring2013View Award
24Joshua DumasConstitutional Law Seminar: 1st AmendSpring2013View Award
25Jared FarnsworthTransactional DraftingSpring2013View Award
26Arthur FergusonLaw, Lawyers & LiteratureSpring2013View Award
27Renatto GarciaDomestic RelationsSpring2013View Award
28Brandy GentryCriminal ProcedureSpring2013View Award
29Brandy GentryEnvironmental LawSpring2013View Award
30Matthew HansenTransactional DraftingSpring2013View Award
31Matthew HansenProfessional ResponsibilitySpring2013View Award
32Sheronn HarrisSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2013View Award
33Jonathan HarrisonEducation LawSpring2013View Award
34Jonathan D. HarrisonComparative Criminal ProcedureSpring2013View Award
35Laura HutchinsBusiness OrganizationsSpring2013View Award
36Semra KebedeTorts IISpring2013View Award
37Semra KebedeLWRA IISpring2013View Award
38Paul KunstLWRA IISpring2013View Award
39Paul KunstTorts IISpring2013View Award
40Gwendolyn LarkinWorkers’ CompensationSpring2013View Award
41Aimee LaTouretteTransactional DraftingSpring2013View Award
42Aimee LaTouretteWills, Trusts & EstatesSpring2013View Award
43Aimee LaTouretteSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2013View Award
44Rotsen LawPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2013View Award
45Megan LawlerCriminal ProcedureSpring2013View Award
46Scarlett P. LeivaImmigration ClinicSpring2013View Award
47Latoyia MackeyLWRA II – HPSpring2013View Award
48Latoyia MackeyReal Property – HPSpring2013View Award
49Latoyia MackeyIntro Criminal Justice II – HPSpring2013View Award
50Michael MarrEmployment LawSpring2013View Award
51Megan MatteucciConstitutional Law IISpring2013View Award
52Megan MatteucciEvidence IISpring2013View Award
53Megan MatteucciEvidence IISpring2013View Award
54Lauren McAlpinHealth Care LawSpring2013View Award
55Ashley McClureCivil Procedure IISpring2013View Award
56Ashley McClureLWRA IISpring2013View Award
57Charles McMenomyRemediesSpring2013View Award
58Matthew MikkelsenReal Property IISpring2013View Award
59Matthew MikkelsenContracts IISpring2013View Award
60Matthew MikkelsenLWRA IISpring2013View Award
61Matthew MikkelsenCivil Procedure IISpring2013View Award
62Sarfaraz MohammedDirected ResearchSpring2013View Award
63Kyle MooreConstitutional Legal HistorySpring2013View Award
64Rachel MorelliAdvanced EvidenceSpring2013View Award
65Joan NguyenJuvenile LawSpring2013View Award
66Elizabeth NoellienTrial AdvocacySpring2013View Award
67Elizabeth NoellienRemediesSpring2013View Award
68Koji NoguchiEvidence IISpring2013View Award
69Koji NoguchiPatent LawSpring2013View Award
70Mark OaksAdministrative LawSpring2013View Award
71Monica A. PatelArbitration & WritingSpring2013View Award
72Rebecca Perez-EspejoTorts IISpring2013View Award
73Birgitte PetersenReal Property IISpring2013View Award
74Kristen PetricelliBusiness OrganizationsSpring2013View Award
75Wesley PickelsimerPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2013View Award
76Cassie PrestonPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2013View Award
77Weston RayContracts IISpring2013View Award
78Laura S. RodriguezLWRA IISpring2013View Award
79Laura RodriguezTorts IISpring2013View Award
80Kimberly RoholtBankruptcySpring2013View Award
81Michelle RossiReal Estate FinanceSpring2013View Award
82Peter RuckerFederal CourtsSpring2013View Award
83Heather SapursteinEntertainment LawSpring2013View Award
84Nathaniel ShermanCorporate TaxationSpring2013View Award
85Elizabeth ShinBusiness OrganizationsSpring2013View Award
86Jeffrey ShutterlyCriminal Procedure – HPSpring2013View Award
87Julie SmithEmployment LawSpring2013View Award
88Hidden by requestTorts IISpring2013View Award
89Hidden by requestLWRA IISpring2013View Award
90Matthew SoiferAccount for LawyersSpring2013View Award
91Kimberly StahlLWRA IISpring2013View Award
92Sandro StojanovicLWRA IISpring2013View Award
93Kristen TurnerEstate PlanningSpring2013View Award
94Kristen TurnerADR and WritingSpring2013View Award
95Winston VaughnSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2013View Award
96Danielle WalkerLWRA IISpring2013View Award
97Elizabeth WeatherlyPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureSpring2013View Award
98Matthew WilliamsContracts IISpring2013View Award
99Matthew WilliamsReal Property IISpring2013View Award
100Tiffany A. WillsDirected ResearchSpring2013View Award
101Kayla WintersReal Property IISpring2013View Award
102Paul J. YorkTransactional DraftingSpring2013View Award

Fall 2012

1Maureen Roxanne AndersonPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureFall2012View Award
2Maureen Roxanne AndersonProfessional ResponsibilityFall2012View Award
3Benjamin F. BakerTortsFall2012View Award
4Tuttle Wright BarksdaleADR and WritingFall2012View Award
5Ashley M. BarnettAdvanced Criminal ProcedureFall2012View Award
6Colin A. BarronIntellectual PropertyFall2012View Award
7Erika Nicole Marie BartonLWRA IFall2012View Award
8Robert Warren BrossLWRA IFall2012View Award
9Tiffany Alesha BrunsonInternet LawFall2012View Award
10Ungeliqua A. BurnsWills, Trusts & EstatesFall2012View Award
11Joshua P. ChadwickLWRA IFall2012View Award
12Irena ChernovaConstitutional LawFall2012View Award
13Denise R. ChildsFederal CourtsFall2012View Award
14Denise R. ChildsRemediesFall2012View Award
15Austin D. ClackReal Property IFall2012View Award
16Jackeline Alexandra ClementsImmigration ClinicFall2012View Award
17Robert Michael Tyler CogginsCriminal LawFall2012View Award
18Kristen M. CollinsLWRA IFall2012View Award
19Ayeisha Ann CoxLWRA IFall2012View Award
20Justin Tyler CrockerCriminal LawFall2012View Award
21Robert M. CunninghamTortsFall2012View Award
22Teunis Johannes De JongAdvanced Transactional DraftingFall2012View Award
23Rebecca Elizabeth DehbozorgiAdvanced Criminal ProcedureFall2012View Award
24Clifton R. DorsenEvidenceFall2012View Award
25Lauren Elizabeth DukesLaw Office ManagementFall2012View Award
26Debra Bennett DuttonGA Practice & ProcedureFall2012View Award
27Noah B. GreenLWRA IFall2012View Award
28Suzette G. GuerraAdvance Analytical MethodsFall2012View Award
29William Starr HardmanCriminal Law EthicsFall2012View Award
30Jonathan David HarrisonAdvance Analytical MethodsFall2012View Award
31Christina L. Hartzell-BehrndtTorts IFall2012View Award
32Christina L. Hartzell-BehrndtCivil Procedure IFall2012View Award
33Christina L. Hartzell-BehrndtContracts IFall2012View Award
34Christina L. Hartzell-BehrndtLWRA IFall2012View Award
35Andrea Marie HibbertPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureFall2012View Award
36Leah Ashley HightowerJuvenile LawFall2012View Award
37Laura Elizabeth HutchinsConstitutional Law IFall2012View Award
38Rob Thomas IrvinTransactional DraftingFall2012View Award
39Homer P. JordanLWRA IFall2012View Award
40Semra A. KebedeTorts IFall2012View Award
41Semra A. KebedeCivil Procedure IFall2012View Award
42Jordan KragtenCivil ProcedureFall2012View Award
43Jordan KragtenCriminal LawFall2012View Award
44Paul C. KunstTortsFall2012View Award
45Evita T. LaarhovenPayment SystemsFall2012View Award
46Evita T. LaarhovenProfessional ResponsibilityFall2012View Award
47Sara Beth LamondWills, Trusts & EstatesFall2012View Award
48Eric LandauAdvance Analytical MethodsFall2012View Award
49Hidden by requestProfessional ResponsibilityFall2012View Award
50Aimee LaTouretteConstitutional Law IFall2012View Award
51Aimee LaTouretteCriminal LawFall2012View Award
52Aimee LaTouretteBusiness OrganizationsFall2012View Award
53Noel LeBusiness PlanningFall2012View Award
54Lina Patricia Lozano OviedoTrial AdvocacyFall2012View Award
55Latoyia D. MackeyTortsFall2012View Award
56Latoyia D. MackeyLWRA IFall2012View Award
57Kiersten MatthewsConstitutional Law IFall2012View Award
58Dana Carl Matthews, IIPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureFall2012View Award
59Lauren R. McAlpinAdvanced Transactional DraftingFall2012View Award
60Samantha Megan McClintonTrial AdvocacyFall2012View Award
61Charles Raphael McMenomyPayment SystemsFall2012View Award
62Charles Raphael McMenomyAdministrative LawFall2012View Award
63Matthew C. MikkelsenReal Property IFall2012View Award
64William Logan MilliansPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureFall2012View Award
65Amara R. MontgomeryContracts IFall2012View Award
66Rachel Rose MorelliAdvanced Criminal ProcedureFall2012View Award
67Joel Brian O’QuinnConstitutional Law IFall2012View Award
68Jacob Ocheogbu ObandeReal Property IFall2012View Award
69Esther N. OiseImmigration LawFall2012View Award
70Monica Ashwin PatelAdvance Appellate AdvocacyFall2012View Award
71Tatiana PavluscencoLWRA IFall2012View Award
72Amanda Nicole PervineLWRA IFall2012View Award
73Birgitte S. PetersenReal Property IFall2012View Award
74Tara Ashley PetersonRemediesFall2012View Award
75Anna PophamCivil LibertiesFall2012View Award
76Weston Prescott RayContracts IFall2012View Award
77Sarah Latoya RedparthEvidenceFall2012View Award
78Chaquetta Shaimon RichardsonAdvance Analytical MethodsFall2012View Award
79Laura S. RodriguezTorts IFall2012View Award
80Ashley E. RogersLWRA IFall2012View Award
81Kirill SaoutovContracts IFall2012View Award
82Erin E. ScottLocal Government LawFall2012View Award
83Erin E. ScottTransactional DraftingFall2012View Award
84Brooke Robyn SextonEvidenceFall2012View Award
85Ryan R. ShaferTrademark LawFall2012View Award
86Nathaniel Abbott ShermanFederal Income TaxFall2012View Award
87Rodrigo Lucio SilvaCriminal ProcedureFall2012View Award
88Brett R. SmithPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureFall2012View Award
89Anna SokolCivil ProcedureFall2012View Award
90Kimberly A. StahlLWRA IFall2012View Award
91Charles P. SternWhite Collar CrimeFall2012View Award
92Benjamin Carter StidhamConsumer LawFall2012View Award
93Benjamin Carter StidhamAdvanced Transactional DraftingFall2012View Award
94Samuel S. SykesLaw Office ManagementFall2012View Award
95Samuel S. SykesConstitutional Law IFall2012View Award
96Lindsey Shea TidwellConsumer LawFall2012View Award
97Sharee Lafae TumblingPre-Trial Practice & ProcedureFall2012View Award
98Andrew W. TurnerAdvance Appellate AdvocacyFall2012View Award
99Kristen Amanda TurnerJuvenile LawFall2012View Award
100Winston Pelfrey VaughnTrial AdvocacyFall2012View Award
101Brandon David WagnerAdministrative LawFall2012View Award
102Alison Leila WaldronAdvance Analytical MethodsFall2012View Award
103Jennifer Kae WalkerInsurance LawFall2012View Award
104LoriBeth G. WestbrookEvidence IFall2012View Award
105Matthew K. WilliamsContracts IFall2012View Award
106Robert Ethan Scott WilliamsDomestic RelationsFall2012View Award
107Robert Ethan Scott WilliamsAdvanced Legal ResearchFall2012View Award
108Matthew K. WilliamsCivil Procedure IFall2012View Award
109James David WilliamsonTransactional DraftingFall2012View Award
110James David WilliamsonWills, Trusts & EstatesFall2012View Award
111James David WilliamsonTrial AdvocacyFall2012View Award
112Britt Michael WoodardAdvance Analytical MethodsFall2012View Award
113Caroline YiTrial AdvocacyFall2012View Award
114Abbas Irooni ZeineddinCriminal Law EthicsFall2012View Award

Summer 2012

1Maureen R. AndersonTransactional DraftingSummer2012View Award
2Hidden by requestAdministrative LawSummer2012View Award
3Hidden by requestJurisprudenceSummer2012View Award
4Brannon BurroughsJurisprudence CourseSummer2012View Award
5Hidden by requestInternational Business TransactionsSummer2012View Award
6Nicole P. FeganCriminal LawSummer2012View Award
7Nicole P. FeganGeorgia Practice and ProcedureSummer2012View Award
8Hidden by requestTrial AdvocacySummer2012View Award
9Lauren Mackenzie FerrelleInternet LawSummer2012View Award
10Melissa GarciaImmigration LawSummer2012View Award
11Christopher A. HoitinkEstate PlanningSummer2012View Award
12Amit K. HullTransactional DraftingSummer2012View Award
13Lonna A. Jennings-CarterTransactional DraftingSummer2012View Award
14Robert W. LangeInternet LawSummer2012View Award
15Hidden by requestInternet LawSummer2012View Award
16Kareemah L. LewisGeorgia Practice and ProcedureSummer2012View Award
17Miltresa McMichaelReal Estate FinanceSummer2012View Award
18Koji NoguchiFederal Income TaxSummer2012View Award
19Kimberly A. RoholtInternational Business TransactionsSummer2012View Award
20Hidden by requestCopyright LawSummer2012View Award
21Hidden by requestAdvance Analytical MethodsSummer2012View Award
22Hidden by requestThe Making of the ConstitutionSummer2012View Award

Spring 2012

1Victoria D. AndersonWills, Trusts & EstatesSpring2012View Award
2Tannyka L. BentTransactional DraftingSpring2012View Award
3Hidden by requestPrivacy LawSpring2012View Award
4Marcus J. BrownContracts IISpring2012View Award
5Brannon E. BurroughsEntertainment LawSpring2012View Award
6Joseph A. BurtonContracts HPSpring2012View Award
7Joseph A. BurtonCriminal Procedure HPSpring2012View Award
8Evetta H. CheaibJuvenile LawSpring2012View Award
9Irena ChernovaLWRA IISpring2012View Award
10Irena ChernovaReal Property IISpring2012View Award
11Denise R. ChildsBusiness OrganizationsSpring2012View Award
12Robert M. T. CogginsReal Property IISpring2012View Award
13Robert M. T. CogginsCivil Procedure IISpring2012View Award
14Joseph E. ColstonReal Property HPSpring2012View Award
15Emily E. CrabbeBusiness OrganizationsSpring2012View Award
16Kevin C. CrayonAlternative Dispute Resolution & WritingSpring2012View Award
17Kevin C. CrayonAdvanced Criminal ProcedureSpring2012View Award
18James W. CrookLWRA IISpring2012View Award
19James N. DavidsonReal Property IISpring2012View Award
20Matthew C. DialsAccounting for LawyersSpring2012View Award
21Matthew C. DialsEnvironmental LawSpring2012View Award
22Clifton R. DorsenContracts IISpring2012View Award
23Clifton R. DorsenTorts IISpring2012View Award
24Chad M. DunnCivil Procedure IISpring2012View Award
25Jacob E. ElderConstitutional Law IISpring2012View Award
26Steven L. FerenczyContracts IISpring2012View Award
27Steven L. FerenczyLWRA IISpring2012View Award
28Arthur T. FergusonLWRA IISpring2012View Award
29Kara F. FoskeyAdvanced EvidenceSpring2012View Award
30Melissa GarciaCivil Procedure IISpring2012View Award
31Melissa GarciaReal Property IISpring2012View Award
32Gregory J. GelpiEvidence IISpring2012View Award
33Brandy N. GentryTorts IISpring2012View Award
34Joseph P. GiambroneDomestic RelationsSpring2012View Award
35Jacqueline R. GivensEnvironmental LawSpring2012View Award
36Matthew J. HansenCriminal ProcedureSpring2012View Award
37Joshua W. HarroldTransactional DraftingSpring2012View Award
38Joshua W. HarroldDeath Penalty SeminarSpring2012View Award
39Audrey D. HollidayAlternative Dispute Resolution & WritingSpring2012View Award
40Christopher T. HuslakTorts IISpring2012View Award
41Hidden by requestRemediesSpring2012View Award
42Bryan F. JacoutotTorts IISpring2012View Award
43Laura K. JamesEmployment LawSpring2012View Award
44DaYoon JeongBusiness OrganizationsSpring2012View Award
45Heather L. JohnsonLegislationSpring2012View Award
46Donovan S. JohnsonFederal Income TaxSpring2012View Award
47Stephen P. KangersCompartaive Criminal ProceduresSpring2012View Award
48Hidden by requestProduct LiabilitySpring2012View Award
49Sara B. LamondConstitutional Law IISpring2012View Award
50Robert W. LangConstitutional Legal HistorySpring2012View Award
51Robert W. LangeConstitutional Law IISpring2012View Award
52Carlton LangfordReal Property IISpring2012View Award
53Aimee LaTouretteContracts IISpring2012View Award
54Noel LeLand Use PlanningSpring2012View Award
55Candace M. MaloneLWRA IISpring2012View Award
56Jenny S. ManzerAdministrative LawSpring2012View Award
57Samantha M. McClintonConstitutional Law IISpring2012View Award
58Brenda D. McGheeLWRA IISpring2012View Award
59Charles R. McMenomyPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSpring2012View Award
60Tiffanie N. MooreHealth Care LawSpring2012View Award
61Orethia B. MorantLWRA IISpring2012View Award
62Rachel R. MorelliLWRA II HPSpring2012View Award
63Rachel R. MorelliCriminal Procedure HPSpring2012View Award
64Timothy I. MurrayPatent LawSpring2012View Award
65James B. MusgroveSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2012View Award
66Maryam M. NadimSeminar-Asylum & Refugee LawSpring2012View Award
67Eric M. NestaleSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2012View Award
68Matthew S. NestrudDirected ResearchSpring2012View Award
69Elizabeth C. NoellienCivil Procedure IISpring2012View Award
70Hidden by requestTrademark LawSpring2012View Award
71Tiffany E. NorrisWriting for the MPTSpring2012View Award
72Janie E. ParksAdvanced Criminal ProcedureSpring2012View Award
73Monica A. PatelLWRA IISpring2012View Award
74Phuc H. PhamPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSpring2012View Award
75David R. PhillipsJuvenile LawSpring2012View Award
76Mark C. PittsAdvance Appellate AdvocacySpring2012View Award
77Mark C. PittsCivil Procedure IISpring2012View Award
78Hidden by requestProduct LiabilitySpring2012View Award
79Samuel E. RadinLWRA IISpring2012View Award
80Marc D. RobinsonLWRA IISpring2012View Award
81Ryan S. RobinsonBankruptcySpring2012View Award
82Kimberly A. RoholtSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2012View Award
83Carlos R. SantiagoPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSpring2012View Award
84Nyotwa N. ShamapandeLWRA IISpring2012View Award
85Rodrigo L. SilvaLWRA IISpring2012View Award
86Myra L. SmithTrial Advocacy & WritingSpring2012View Award
87Matthew A. SoiferSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2012View Award
88Peter H. SteckelConstitutional Law IISpring2012View Award
89Orlando D. StegallReal Property IISpring2012View Award
90Benjamin C. StidhamBusiness OrganizationsSpring2012View Award
91Samuel S. SykesTorts IISpring2012View Award
92Samuel S. SykesLWRA IISpring2012View Award
93Tammy L. TannerLWRA IISpring2012View Award
94Tammy L. TannerContracts IISpring2012View Award
95Latrice E. ThomasTransactional DraftingSpring2012View Award
96Marcelo TorricosCriminal ProcedureSpring2012View Award
97Jeremiah T. Van DoraWorkers CompensationSpring2012View Award
98Michael D. WhitesideConstitutional Law IISpring2012View Award
99Daphney S. WithrowTransactional DraftingSpring2012View Award
100Richard B. WolfeCriminal ProcedureSpring2012View Award
101Nicole WongLWRA IISpring2012View Award
102Bradley S. YochumEstate PlanningSpring2012View Award
103Bradley S. YochumWriting for the MPTSpring2012View Award
104Paul J. YorkLWRA IISpring2012View Award

Fall 2011

1Maureen R. AndersonConstitutional Law IFall2011View Award
2Thomas D. BackesConstitutional Law IFall2011View Award
3Tuttle W. BarksdaleConstitutional Law IFall2011View Award
4Jacquelyn S. BeckmanInternational LawFall2011View Award
5Emily L. BradyAdministrative LawFall2011View Award
6Victoria S. BridgemanLWRA IFall2011View Award
7Marcus J. BrownReal Property IFall2011View Award
8Joseph A. BurtonCriminal LawFall2011View Award
9Joseph A. BurtonTorts IFall2011View Award
10Irena ChernovaTorts IFall2011View Award
11Irena ChernovaLWRA IFall2011View Award
12Irena ChernovaContracts IFall2011View Award
13Denise R. ChildsInternational LawFall2011View Award
14Denise R. ChildsPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureFall2011View Award
15Robert M. CogginsReal Property IFall2011View Award
16Kimberly A. ColmeyWills, Trusts, and EstatesFall2011View Award
17Emily E. CrabbeIntellectual PropertyFall2011View Award
18James W. CrookTorts IFall2011View Award
19Matthew C. DickinsonConstitutional Law IFall2011View Award
20Renatto GarciaAdvanced Appellate AdvocacyFall2011View Award
21Valerie A. GarrisonTorts IFall2011View Award
22Christopher C. GordonBusiness OrganizationsFall2011View Award
23Bradley L. GriffinGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2011View Award
24Kevin B. HarrisLaw Office ManagementFall2011View Award
25Kevin N. HavivTransactional DraftingFall2011View Award
26Tiffany D. HawesPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureFall2011View Award
27Christopher A. HoitinkFederal Income TaxFall2011View Award
28Roberto S. HooverInternational LawFall2011View Award
29Megan A. HorganLWRA IFall2011View Award
30Keosha C. HuntPayment SystemsFall2011View Award
31Christopher T. HuslakReal Property IFall2011View Award
32Sanchia C. JeffersRemediesFall2011View Award
33Sara B. KleinBusiness Orgs.Fall2011View Award
34Robert W. LangeAmerican Legal HistoryFall2011View Award
35Carlton LangfordEvidenceFall2011View Award
36Bridget F. LayngCorrections LawFall2011View Award
37Jessica L. LongDomestic RelationsFall2011View Award
38Marquis M. MalloyConstitutional Law IFall2011View Award
39Candice M. MaloneLWRA IFall2011View Award
40Lauren R. McAlpinEvidence IFall2011View Award
41Kenneth E. McKenzieLWRA IFall2011View Award
42Robert H. MillsCivil Procedure IFall2011View Award
43Rachel R. MorelliLWRA IFall2011View Award
44Daniel J. NagelLocal Government LawFall2011View Award
45Elizabeth C. NoellienTransactional DraftingFall2011View Award
46Elizabeth C. NoellienReal Property IFall2011View Award
47Tiffany E. NorrisAdvanced Legal ResearchFall2011View Award
48Damion R. OverstreetTrial Advocacy & WritingFall2011View Award
49Elizabeth M. PalaciosTransactional DraftingFall2011View Award
50Monica A. PatelLWRA IFall2011View Award
51Samuel E. RadinLWRA IFall2011View Award
52Samuel E. RadinTorts IFall2011View Award
53Thomas O. RaineyCivil LibertiesFall2011View Award
54Rodrigo L. SilvaLWRA IFall2011View Award
55Samuel J. SligerLWRA IFall2011View Award
56Myra L. SmithJuvenile LawFall2011View Award
57Matthew A. SoiferTransactional DraftingFall2011View Award
58Samuel S. SykesContracts IFall2011View Award
59Tammy L. TannerTorts IFall2011View Award
60Sharee L. TumblingCivil Procedure IFall2011View Award
61Kristen A. TurnerConstitutional Law IFall2011View Award
62Jorge L. VirguezImmigration LawFall2011View Award
63Jennifer K. WalkerConsumer LawFall2011View Award
64Rachel L. WalkerSales & Secured TransactionsFall2011View Award
65Keaston E. WhiteProfessional ResponsibilityFall2011View Award
66Michael D. WhitesideCriminal LawFall2011View Award
67Robert E. WilliamsPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureFall2011View Award

Summer 2011

1Chad AlexisProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2011View Award
2Jared BaileyProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2011View Award
3Grace CurtisEstate PlanningSummer2011View Award
4Dornisha DavisCriminal LawSummer2011View Award
5Joseph GiambroneEstate PlanningSummer2011View Award
6Audrey HollidayAdministrative LawSummer2011View Award
7Laura JamesConsumer LawSummer2011View Award
8Ricky KaplanProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2011View Award
9Jessica LongProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2011View Award
10Hidden by requestJurisprudenceSummer2011View Award
11Jenny ManzerThe Making of the ConstitutionSummer2011View Award
12Selwin PattersonImmigration LawSummer2011View Award
13Ashton SappingtonProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2011View Award
14Fallon StokesLaw Office ManagementSummer2011View Award
15Fallon StokesTrial Advocacy and WritingSummer2011View Award

Spring 2011

1Jason J. AdamsLWRA IISpring2011View Award
2Adam M. AlfordAdvanced Appellate AdvocacySpring2011View Award
3Lisa J. AndersonLabor LawSpring2011View Award
4Thomas D. BackesCivil Procedure IISpring2011View Award
5Kristi L. BarbreWills, Trusts, EstatesSpring2011View Award
6Clinton D. BarlowAdvanced Criminal ProcedureSpring2011View Award
7Trinity BestTorts IISpring2011View Award
8Trinity BestLWRA IISpring2011View Award
9Benjamin A. BishSem: Death PenaltySpring2011View Award
10Lara B. BlackburnProduct LiabilitySpring2011View Award
11Emily L. BradyEmployment LawSpring2011View Award
12Elizabeth V. BrittEstate PlanningSpring2011View Award
13Elizabeth V. BrittPatent LawSpring2011View Award
14Hubia BushCriminal ProcedureSpring2011View Award
15Kimberly A. ColmeyConstitutional Law IISpring2011View Award
16Kimberly A. ColmeySales & Secured TransactionsSpring2011View Award
17Kimberly A. ColmeyBusiness Orgs.Spring2011View Award
18Emily E. CrabbeReal Property IISpring2011View Award
19Grace CurtisFederal Income TaxSpring2011View Award
20Christopher L. DicksonConstitutional Law IISpring2011View Award
21Heather C. DonahueDomestic RelationsSpring2011View Award
22Lindsay E. DossContracts IISpring2011View Award
23Patrick B. EvansJuvenile LawSpring2011View Award
24Precious FelderEntertainment LawSpring2011View Award
25Tamara Y. FelicianoProfessional ResponsibilitySpring2011View Award
26Matthew W. FranklinInsurance LawSpring2011View Award
27Renatto GarciaLWRA IISpring2011View Award
28Gregory J. GelpiReal Property IISpring2011View Award
29Gregory J. GelpiCivil Procedure IISpring2011View Award
30Joseph P. GiambroneConstitutional Law IISpring2011View Award
31Christopher C. GordonTrial Advocacy & WritingSpring2011View Award
32Christopher C. GordonConstitutional Law IISpring2011View Award
33Christopher C. GordonCivil Procedure IISpring2011View Award
34Walter H. GrellRemediesSpring2011View Award
35Walter H. GrellReal Estate FinanceSpring2011View Award
36Joshua W. HarroldSem: Civil Liberties IISpring2011View Award
37Tiffani D. HawesLWRA IISpring2011View Award
38Oliver L. HerthneckContracts IISpring2011View Award
39Foss G. HodgesLWRA IISpring2011View Award
40Audrey D. HollidayEvidence IISpring2011View Award
41Rashonda K. HolmesReal Property IISpring2011View Award
42Lyndosha E. JamisonDomestic RelationsSpring2011View Award
43Sanchia C. JeffersTransactional DraftingSpring2011View Award
44Kaleeda L. JenkinsInternational LawSpring2011View Award
45Maria A. KellerEmployment Discrimination LawSpring2011View Award
46Ryan D. LangelSales & Secured TransactionsSpring2011View Award
47Lachauna S. LenzyJuvenile LawSpring2011View Award
48Belinda A. MartinTransactional DraftingSpring2011View Award
49Belinda A. MartinDomestic ViolenceSpring2011View Award
50Jason McLendonTorts IISpring2011View Award
51Raquel S. MedinaLWRA IISpring2011View Award
52Kristen J. MedwickJuvenile LawSpring2011View Award
53Robert B. MillerRemediesSpring2011View Award
54Michael J. MooreConstitutional Legal HistorySpring2011View Award
55Timothy I. MurraySales & Secured TransactionsSpring2011View Award
56Jennifer L. MurrayPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSpring2011View Award
57Jennifer L. MurrayEnvironmental LawSpring2011View Award
58Eric M. NestaleCivil Procedure IISpring2011View Award
59Peter D. NewConsumer LawSpring2011View Award
60Seth T. NewsomeEntertainment LawSpring2011View Award
61Elizabeth NoellienTorts IISpring2011View Award
62Koji NoguchiTorts IISpring2011View Award
63Damion OverstreetCriminal ProcedureSpring2011View Award
64Elizabeth M. PalaciosBusiness Orgs.Spring2011View Award
65Mark C. PittsLWRA IISpring2011View Award
66Mark PittsTorts IISpring2011View Award
67Mark C. PittsContracts IISpring2011View Award
68Kristal S. RamirezPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSpring2011View Award
69Jason J. ReidSeminar-Asylum & Ref.Spring2011View Award
70Brandon S. ReismanTorts IISpring2011View Award
71Nicholas R. SchnyderConstitutional Law IISpring2011View Award
72Christina M. ScottSeminar-Privacy LawSpring2011View Award
73Clinton M. ShearouseConstitutional Law IISpring2011View Award
74Katherine J. SmithLWRA IISpring2011View Award
75Zaira D. SolanoTrial Advocacy & WritingSpring2011View Award
76Benjamin C. StidhamReal Property IISpring2011View Award
77Richard L. ThompsonContracts IISpring2011View Award
78Richard L. ThompsonTorts IISpring2011View Award
79Kristen A. TurnerReal Property IISpring2011View Award
80Michael C. UrbinaAdvanced Legal ResearchSpring2011View Award
81Michael G. VaronTorts IISpring2011View Award
82Holly WaltmanCriminal ProcedureSpring2011View Award
83LoriBeth G. WestbrookLWRA IISpring2011View Award

Fall 2010

1Jason AdamsLWRA IFall2010View Award
2Jason AdamsReal Property IFall2010View Award
3Jason AdamsTorts IFall2010View Award
4Dian ArmstrongPayment SystemsFall2010View Award
5Dian ArmstrongFederal Income TaxFall2010View Award
6Dian ArmstrongADR and WritingFall2010View Award
7Virginia ArnoldDomestic RelationsFall2010View Award
8Tamara AulovaTransactional DraftingFall2010View Award
9Thomas BackesCivil Procedure IFall2010View Award
10Thomas BackesReal Property IFall2010View Award
11Thomas BackesCriminal ProcedureFall2010View Award
12Thomas BackesCivil Procedure IFall2010View Award
13John BeasleyAmerican Legal HistoryFall2010View Award
14Trinity BestReal Property IFall2010View Award
15Trinity BestCivil Procedure IFall2010View Award
16Trinity BestContracts IFall2010View Award
17Benjamin BishAdministrative LawFall2010View Award
18Michael BurrowPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureFall2010View Award
19Michael BurrowBankruptcyFall2010View Award
20Christopher CallaghanLaw Office ManagementFall2010View Award
21Stacie ChapmanAdvanced Appellate AdvocacyFall2010View Award
22Stacie ChapmanJuvenile LawFall2010View Award
23Stacie ChapmanConstitutional Law IFall2010View Award
24Kimberly ColmeyCriminal LawFall2010View Award
25Kevin CrayonEvidence IFall2010View Award
26Grace CurtisCriminal LawFall2010View Award
27Lauren EastWills, Trusts, and EstatesFall2010View Award
28Sarah FrostProfessional ResponsibilityFall2010View Award
29Matthew GartenLWRA IFall2010View Award
30Ashley GholamhosseiniImmigration LawFall2010View Award
31Joseph GiambronePre-Trial Practice and ProcedureFall2010View Award
32Christopher GordonEvidenceFall2010View Award
33Brigette HammondAmerican Legal HistoryFall2010View Award
34Trellis HeardLWRA IFall2010View Award
35Foss HodgesLWRA IFall2010View Award
36Timothy HolmanAdvanced Legal ResearchFall2010View Award
37Timothy HolmanProfessional ResponsibilityFall2010View Award
38Ricky KaplanTransactional DraftingFall2010View Award
39Alexander KingDeath Penalty SeminarFall2010View Award
40Sara KleinReal Property IFall2010View Award
41David LinTorts IFall2010View Award
42David LinCivil Procedure IFall2010View Award
43Jason MartinSales and Secured TransactionsFall2010View Award
44Megan MatteucciLWRA IFall2010View Award
45Neal MazuraneConstitutional Law IFall2010View Award
46Michael MooreBankruptcyFall2010View Award
47Michael MooreEmployment LawFall2010View Award
48Jennifer MurrayInternational LawFall2010View Award
49Jennifer MurrayCriminal LawFall2010View Award
50Jennifer MurrayInternational LawFall2010View Award
51Daniel NagelConstitutional Law IFall2010View Award
52Elizabeth NoellienLWRA IFall2010View Award
53Mark OaksLWRA IFall2010View Award
54Mark PittsContracts IFall2010View Award
55Kristal RamirezConsumer LawFall2010View Award
56Lekeyia ReidTrial Advocacy and WritingFall2010View Award
57Brandon ReismanContracts IFall2010View Award
58Brandon ReismanTorts IFall2010View Award
59Ryan RobinsonBusiness OrganizationsFall2010View Award
60Adam RozenLocal Government LawFall2010View Award
61Ali SabetghdamIntellectual PropertyFall2010View Award
62Ashton SappingtonEvidenceFall2010View Award
63Nicholas SchnyderEvidenceFall2010View Award
64Julie SmithContracts IFall2010View Award
65Katherine SmithLWRA IFall2010View Award
66Benjamin StidhamCivil Procedure IFall2010View Award
67Katherine TaliaferroBankruptcyFall2010View Award
68Alicia VanceProfessional ResponsibilityFall2010View Award
69Alicia VanceGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2010View Award
70Michael VaronLWRA IFall2010View Award
71Carson WaldenTrial Advocacy and WritingFall2010View Award
72Brian WatkinsPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureFall2010View Award
73Caroline YiReal Property IFall2010View Award
74Bradley YochumConstitutional Law IFall2010View Award

Summer 2010

1Shilpa AilaniImmigration LawSummer2010View Award
2Lisa AndersonArbitrationSummer2010View Award
3Kristi BarbreThe Making of the ConstitutionSummer2010View Award
4Audrey HollidayProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2010View Award
5Kyle LevstekReal Estate FinanceSummer2010View Award
6Rebecca McLawsTrial Advocacy and WritingSummer2010View Award
7Boris MilterProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2010View Award
8Nicholas SchnyderCriminal LawSummer2010View Award
9Laureen TobiasAccounting for LawyersSummer2010View Award
10Jennifer WalkerHealth Care LawSummer2010View Award
11David WilliamsJurisprudenceSummer2010View Award

Spring 2010

1Adam AlfordLWRA IISpring2010View Award
2Tyler BanksCivil Procedure IISpring2010View Award
3Tyler BanksReal Property IISpring2010View Award
4Tyler BanksTorts IISpring2010View Award
5Kristi BarbreConstitutional Law IISpring2010View Award
6Richard BentleyBusiness OrganizationsSpring2010View Award
7Richard BentleyConstitutional Law IISpring2010View Award
8Benjamin BishBusiness OrganizationsSpring2010View Award
9Benjamin BradfordWriting for the MPTSpring2010View Award
10Emily BradyLWRA IISpring2010View Award
11Christopher CallaghanBusiness OrganizationsSpring2010View Award
12Christopher CallaghanConstitutional Law IISpring2010View Award
13Jenifir DimoTorts IISpring2010View Award
14Amanda DixsonWriting for the MPTSpring2010View Award
15Ryan DonnellyTrial Advocacy and WritingSpring2010View Award
16Aimee FaughtADR and WritingSpring2010View Award
17Sarah FrostEnvironmental LawSpring2010View Award
18Bradley GriffinLWRA IISpring2010View Award
19Tracie HendersonTransactional DraftingSpring2010View Award
20Tracie HendersonFederal Income TaxSpring2010View Award
21Tracie HendersonEstate PlanningSpring2010View Award
22Sanchia JeffersEmployee DiscriminationSpring2010View Award
23Jaclyn KigerSeminar-Privacy LawSpring2010View Award
24Alexander KingSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2010View Award
25David LockhartAdvanced EvidenceSpring2010View Award
26Thomas LymanLWRA IISpring2010View Award
27Jason MartinJuvenile LawSpring2010View Award
28Jennifer MartinTransactional DraftingSpring2010View Award
29Taila MartinDomestic RelationsSpring2010View Award
30Tanya McAdamsReal Estate FinanceSpring2010View Award
31Tanya McAdamsWorkers CompensationSpring2010View Award
32Peter MehravariPatent LawSpring2010View Award
33Scott P. MillerCriminal ProcedureSpring2010View Award
34Bradley MoodyTrial Advocacy and WritingSpring2010View Award
35Maryam NadimReal Property IISpring2010View Award
36Peter NewEvidence IISpring2010View Award
37Peter NewConstitutional Law IISpring2010View Award
38Reid ParkerGeorgia Practice and ProcedureSpring2010View Award
39Matthew PenceTorts IISpring2010View Award
40Andre RamsayPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSpring2010View Award
41Andre RamseyPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureSpring2010View Award
42Deborah ReeceSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2010View Award
43Lekeyia ReidSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2010View Award
44Ryan RobinsonCivil Procedure IISpring2010View Award
45Ashton SappingtonContracts IISpring2010View Award
46Ashton SappingtonLWRA IISpring2010View Award
47Debbie SchindlerAdvanced Criminal ProcedureSpring2010View Award
48Debbie SchlinderAdvanced Criminal ProcedureSpring2010View Award
49Yvonne ShyntumTorts IISpring2010View Award
50Yvonne ShyntumContracts IISpring2010View Award
51Zaira SolanoSeminar-Asylum & RefugeeSpring2010View Award
52Jonathan SpeiserEntertainment LawSpring2010View Award
53Anthony StewartLWRA IISpring2010View Award
54Jacob StoneRemediesSpring2010View Award
55LaRhonda ThomasTorts IISpring2010View Award
56Melody ToddyCivil LibertiesSpring2010View Award
57Carson WaldenCriminal ProcedureSpring2010View Award
58Shaheem WilliamsLWRA IISpring2010View Award
59Kali WillsReal Property IISpring2010View Award
60Bradley YochumLWRA IISpring2010View Award
61Mark ZukowskiTransactional DraftingSpring2010View Award

Fall 2009

1Justin AngelTrial Advocacy and WritingFall2009View Award
2Tyler BanksContracts IFall2009View Award
3Clinton BarlowWills, Trusts, and EstatesFall2009View Award
4Derek BarrAdvanced Legal ResearchFall2009View Award
5John BeasleyAdvanced Appellate AdvocacyFall2009View Award
6Jessica BennettTransactional DraftingFall2009View Award
7Richard BentleyConstitutional Law IFall2009View Award
8Lara BlackburnLWRA IFall2009View Award
9Christopher BlakeEvidenceFall2009View Award
10John BoydMediationFall2009View Award
11Benjamin BradfordGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2009View Award
12Nicholas BrooksTorts IFall2009View Award
13Michael BurrowTransactional DraftingFall2009View Award
14Christopher CallaghanCriminal LawFall2009View Award
15Stacie ChapmanLWRA IFall2009View Award
16Malloree CollinsADR and WritingFall2009View Award
17Kevin CrayonReal Property IFall2009View Award
18Matthew CrookReal Property IFall2009View Award
19Jenifir DimoLWRA IFall2009View Award
20Amanda DixsonCivil LibertiesFall2009View Award
21Amanda DobantonDeath Penalty SeminarFall2009View Award
22Ryan DonnellyCriminal ProcedureFall2009View Award
23Ryan DonnellyEvidenceFall2009View Award
24Clarence DuchacReal Property IFall2009View Award
25Kara FoskeyContracts IFall2009View Award
26Walter GrellPre-Trial Practice and ProcedureFall2009View Award
27Lacey GriffethJuvenile LawFall2009View Award
28Bradley GriffinLWRA IFall2009View Award
29Joshua HarroldTorts IFall2009View Award
30Tracie HendersonSales and Secured TransactionsFall2009View Award
31Natalie HowardCriminal LawFall2009View Award
32Amit HullLWRA IFall2009View Award
33Dimo JenifirContracts IFall2009View Award
34Taila MartinIntellectual PropertyFall2009View Award
35Kristi MasonCivil Procedure IFall2009View Award
36Tanya McAdamsInternational LawFall2009View Award
37John McArthurCivil Procedure IFall2009View Award
38Abigail NewConstitutional Law IFall2009View Award
39Abigail NewEvidence IFall2009View Award
40Matthew PenceReal Property IFall2009View Award
41Matthew PenceTorts IFall2009View Award
42Amelia RaganJurisprudenceFall2009View Award
43Thomas RaineyLWRA IFall2009View Award
44Kristal RamirezEvidenceFall2009View Award
45Cameil ReddickTrial Advocacy and WritingFall2009View Award
46Cameil ReddickBusiness OrganizationsFall2009View Award
47Deborah ReeceImmigration LawFall2009View Award
48Robert RementerLWRA IFall2009View Award
49Adam RozenReal Estate FinanceFall2009View Award
50Ashton SappingtonLWRA IFall2009View Award
51Sonya SeabornProfessional ResponsibilityFall2009View Award
52Donggeuk SeoPayment SystemsFall2009View Award
53Anthony StewartCivil Procedure IFall2009View Award
54Jacob StoneProfessional ResponsibilityFall2009View Award
55Adam SuttonDomestic RelationsFall2009View Award
56Adam SuttonProfessional ResponsibilityFall2009View Award
57Novella TascoeLWRA IFall2009View Award
58Jennifer ThiessenConstitutional Law IFall2009View Award
59Angela ThomasRemediesFall2009View Award
60Angela ThomasBankruptcyFall2009View Award
61Alicia VanceCriminal LawFall2009View Award
62Shaheem WilliamsContracts IFall2009View Award
63Mark ZukowskiBankruptcyFall2009View Award

Summer 2009

1Samuel AkannoAccounting for LawyersSummer2009View Award
2Benjamin BradfordEducation LawSummer2009View Award
3Clarissa BryanJurisprudenceSummer2009View Award
4Thomas BuzbeeImmigration LawSummer2009View Award
5Josh LandersCriminal LawSummer2009View Award
6Tanya McAdamsGeorgia Practice and ProcedureSummer2009View Award
7Reid ParkerProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2009View Award

Spring 2009

1Samuel AkannoReal Estate FinanceSpring2009View Award
2Alpa AminSeminar-Asylum & RefugeeSpring2009View Award
3Duncan AndriaAdvanced EvidenceSpring2009View Award
4Markstroem AnneEntertainment LawSpring2009View Award
5Kirk BallardLegal DraftingSpring2009View Award
6Richard BentleyLRWA IISpring2009View Award
7Benjamin BishReal Property IISpring2009View Award
8Shateria BlountLRWA IISpring2009View Award
9Benjamin BradfordDomestic RelationsSpring2009View Award
10Katharine BrimmerDomestic ViolenceSpring2009View Award
11Joshua BrownleeCriminal ProcedureSpring2009View Award
12Clarissa BryanContracts IISpring2009View Award
13Michael BurrowLRWA IISpring2009View Award
14Mark CalhounGeorgia Practice and ProcedureSpring2009View Award
15Bechtold ChristineAdvanced EvidenceSpring2009View Award
16Lorne CraggLegal DraftingSpring2009View Award
17Elena CurtisSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2009View Award
18Daniel DavenportLRWA IISpring2009View Award
19George DeanSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2009View Award
20Amanda DixsonConstitutional Law IISpring2009View Award
21MaryAnn DonnellyLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProSpring2009View Award
22William FricksLaw and EconomicsSpring2009View Award
23Amanda GaddisAdvanced Legal ResearchSpring2009View Award
24Amanda GaddisRemediesSpring2009View Award
25Rachel GrimesDomestic ViolenceSpring2009View Award
26Randa HafezLegal DraftingSpring2009View Award
27Randa HafezWills, Trusts, and EstatesSpring2009View Award
28Heather HaleLRWA IISpring2009View Award
29Gordon HallLegal DraftingSpring2009View Award
30Jade HuynhLRWA IISpring2009View Award
31Jennifer JohnsonLegal DraftingSpring2009View Award
32Jonathan KellarBusiness OrganizationsSpring2009View Award
33Jesse KentRemediesSpring2009View Award
34Shogun KhadyeSeminar-Privacy LawSpring2009View Award
35Jaclyn KigerEvidence IISpring2009View Award
36Helen KingLegal DraftingSpring2009View Award
37Barbre KristiContracts IISpring2009View Award
38Josh LandersLRWA IISpring2009View Award
39Barger LaurenBusiness OrganizationsSpring2009View Award
40Smartschan LeeAdministrative LawSpring2009View Award
41Sarah MahmoodCivil Procedure IISpring2009View Award
42Zukowski MarkBusiness OrganizationsSpring2009View Award
43Jason MartinReal Property IISpring2009View Award
44Jason MartinCivil Procedure IISpring2009View Award
45Amanda MathisReal Property IISpring2009View Award
46Amanda MathisCivil Procedure IISpring2009View Award
47Amanda MathisContracts IISpring2009View Award
48Amanda MathisTorts IISpring2009View Award
49Neal MazuraneLRWA IISpring2009View Award
50Tanya McAdamsConstitutional Law IISpring2009View Award
51Rebecca McLawsLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProSpring2009View Award
52Michael MurphyTorts IISpring2009View Award
53Terrye NashFederal CourtsSpring2009View Award
54Gail OldtLRWA IISpring2009View Award
55Gail OldtTorts IISpring2009View Award
56Jackson OliverContracts IISpring2009View Award
57Reid ParkerCriminal ProcedureSpring2009View Award
58Stephen PerkinsLegal DraftingSpring2009View Award
59Amanda PilcherWills, Trusts, and EstatesSpring2009View Award
60Amanda PilcherConstitutional Law IISpring2009View Award
61Crystal PolizziConstitutional Law IISpring2009View Award
62Amelia RaganConstitutional Law IISpring2009View Award
63Amelia RaganCivil LibertiesSpring2009View Award
64Cameil ReddickLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProSpring2009View Award
65Ryan RichardsReal Property IISpring2009View Award
66Ryan RichardsTorts IISpring2009View Award
67Quiana RicheEstate PlanningSpring2009View Award
68Kristen RomanoLRWA IISpring2009View Award
69Agatha RomanowskiCriminal ProcedureSpring2009View Award
70John RoyerLegal DraftingSpring2009View Award
71Amber SaundersLegal DraftingSpring2009View Award
72Erin SchaubCivil Procedure IISpring2009View Award
73Karen SicardLegal DraftingSpring2009View Award
74Anna StanfordLRWA IISpring2009View Award
75Nicholas UtleyFederal CourtsSpring2009View Award
76Nicholas UtleyWorkers CompensationSpring2009View Award
77Carson WaldenLRWA IISpring2009View Award
78Diana WilsonBusiness OrganizationsSpring2009View Award
79Mark ZukowskiSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2009View Award

Fall 2008

1Asalya AkhmerovaLRWA IFall2008View Award
2Katie AndrewsIntellectual PropertyFall2008View Award
3Katie AndrewsGeorgia Practice and ProcedureFall2008View Award
4Katie AndrewsJurisprudenceFall2008View Award
5Kenneth BakerLRWA IFall2008View Award
6Kristi BarbreLRWA IFall2008View Award
7Kristi BarbreReal Property IFall2008View Award
8Christine BechtoldBusiness PlanningFall2008View Award
9Jacob BellLRWA IFall2008View Award
10Jessica BennettLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProFall2008View Award
11Bonnie BinkleyCivil LibertiesFall2008View Award
12Benjamin BishTorts IFall2008View Award
13Bryan BrooksProfessional ResponsibilityFall2008View Award
14Michael BurrowLRWA IFall2008View Award
15Robert CokerLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProFall2008View Award
16Daniel DavenportLRWA IFall2008View Award
17Teresa DiPonzioTorts IFall2008View Award
18John DuncanRemediesFall2008View Award
19Andria DuncanWills, Trusts, and EstatesFall2008View Award
20Caryn FennellConstitutional Law IFall2008View Award
21Kristen FilesCriminal LawFall2008View Award
22Gregory FrayserCriminal LawFall2008View Award
23Jason GoldinAccounting for LawyersFall2008View Award
24Christopher GrubbsTrial AdvocacyFall2008View Award
25Jillian HarmonEvidenceFall2008View Award
26Jillian HarmonLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProFall2008View Award
27Nicole HeederProfessional ResponsibilityFall2008View Award
28Tracie HendersonConstitutional Law IFall2008View Award
29Jade HuynhLRWA IFall2008View Award
30Joshua JohnsonCriminal LawFall2008View Award
31Joshua JohnsonConstitutional Law IFall2008View Award
32Heather JordanReal Property IFall2008View Award
33Heather JordanCivil Procedure IFall2008View Award
34Clayton KeithReal Estate FinanceFall2008View Award
35Shogun KhadyeAdvanced Legal ResearchFall2008View Award
36Jaclyn KigerBusiness OrganizationsFall2008View Award
37Jason MartinCriminal ProcedureFall2008View Award
38Taila MartinContracts IFall2008View Award
39Jennifer MartinLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProFall2008View Award
40Taila MartinLRWA IFall2008View Award
41Amanda MathisCivil Procedure IFall2008View Award
42Amanda MathisTorts IFall2008View Award
43Amanda MathisLRWA IFall2008View Award
44Neal MazuraneLRWA IFall2008View Award
45Kevin McDonaldTorts IFall2008View Award
46Pamela McNabbLegal DraftingFall2008View Award
47Kelly MouldReal Property IFall2008View Award
48Sharena MoyeEvidenceFall2008View Award
49Michael MurphyLRWA IFall2008View Award
50Shaun O’HaraContracts IFall2008View Award
51Reid ParkerLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProFall2008View Award
52Reid ParkerConstitutional Law IFall2008View Award
53Amelia RaganDomestic RelationsFall2008View Award
54Amelia RaganConstitutional Law IFall2008View Award
55Amelia RaganLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProFall2008View Award
56Derek RhodarmerTorts IFall2008View Award
57Quiana RicheDeath Penalty SeminarFall2008View Award
58Quiana RichePayment SystemsFall2008View Award
59Ryan RobinsonContracts IFall2008View Award
60Kristen RomanoReal Property IFall2008View Award
61Agatha RomanowskiLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProFall2008View Award
62Erin SchaubCivil Procedure IFall2008View Award
63Erin SchaubLRWA IFall2008View Award
64Darryl ScottLRWA IFall2008View Award
65Karen SicardSales and Secured TransactionsFall2008View Award
66Adam SuttonLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProFall2008View Award
67Kenya TaylorEvidenceFall2008View Award
68Nicholas UtleyInternational LawFall2008View Award
69Carson WaldenContracts IFall2008View Award
70Jessica Weaver-StollImmigration LawFall2008View Award

Summer 2008

1Katie AndrewsProfessional ResponsibilitySummer2008View Award
2Kirk BallardAccounting for LawyersSummer2008View Award
3Tanya McAdamsJurisprudenceSummer2008View Award

Spring 2008

1Nilufar Abdi-TabariCivil Procedure IISpring2008View Award
2Amin AlpaLRWA IISpring2008View Award
3Katie AndrewsConstitutional Law IISpring2008View Award
4Mark AnthonyLegal DraftingSpring2008View Award
5Robbie BallardAdvanced Criminal ProcedureSpring2008View Award
6Kirk BallardEvidence IISpring2008View Award
7Lauren BargerCivil Procedure IISpring2008View Award
8Jessica BennettContracts IISpring2008View Award
9Jessica BennettLRWA IISpring2008View Award
10Craig BowerLegal DraftingSpring2008View Award
11Craig BowerLegal DraftingSpring2008View Award
12Charles BowlingLRWA IISpring2008View Award
13Anne BrahamBusiness OrganizationsSpring2008View Award
14Sanford BrooksLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProSpring2008View Award
15Joe BurkAdvanced EvidenceSpring2008View Award
16Bebe CaffeyLegal DraftingSpring2008View Award
17Shamsuddin CharaniaFederal Income TaxSpring2008View Award
18Robert CokerContracts IISpring2008View Award
19Richard CravenSeminar-Privacy LawSpring2008View Award
20Laurel CreekPayment SystemsSpring2008View Award
21Amanda DixsonContracts IISpring2008View Award
22Amanda DixsonReal Property IISpring2008View Award
23Andria DuncanDomestic RelationsSpring2008View Award
24Kristen FilesLRWA IISpring2008View Award
25Arcila GilardoLegal DraftingSpring2008View Award
26Andria HardinCivil Procedure IISpring2008View Award
27Jillian HarmonLRWA IISpring2008View Award
28Tracie HendersonCivil Procedure IISpring2008View Award
29Priti KhanaWills, Trusts, and EstatesSpring2008View Award
30Jaclyn KigerLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProSpring2008View Award
31John KingtonLegal DraftingSpring2008View Award
32Angela LandgaardSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2008View Award
33Antonio MariConstitutional Law IISpring2008View Award
34Jason MartinContracts IISpring2008View Award
35Tanya McAdamsLRWA3 Pretrial Prc/ProSpring2008View Award
36Daniel MonfistonTorts IISpring2008View Award
37Julio MorenoWorkers CompensationSpring2008View Award
38Christine ParrishEntertainment LawSpring2008View Award
39Christine ParrishGeorgia Practice and ProcedureSpring2008View Award
40Diona PotterReal Estate FinanceSpring2008View Award
41Maria PruszynskaLRWA IISpring2008View Award
42Maria PruszynskaReal Property IISpring2008View Award
43Amelia RaganLRWA IISpring2008View Award
44Millard RamseyEstate PlanningSpring2008View Award
45Maria ReznikRemediesSpring2008View Award
46Maria ReznikSeminar-Asylum & RefugeeSpring2008View Award
47Steven RhodesTorts IISpring2008View Award
48Quiana RicheBusiness OrganizationsSpring2008View Award
49Sandra RobersonLegal DraftingSpring2008View Award
50Adam RustEmployee DiscriminationSpring2008View Award
51Taylor SchlairetTorts IISpring2008View Award
52Heather ScottLRWA IISpring2008View Award
53Rustin SmithLRWA IISpring2008View Award
54Michael SprinkelReal Property IISpring2008View Award
55Christopher StatenLRWA IISpring2008View Award
56Jason StevensSales and Secured TransactionsSpring2008View Award
57Evanya StevensRemediesSpring2008View Award
58Jacob StoneLRWA IISpring2008View Award
59Stephen TippinsConstitutional Law IISpring2008View Award
60Thomas TopmillerLegal DraftingSpring2008View Award
61Mark ZukowskiCriminal ProcedureSpring2008View Award