Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School (AJMLS) is delighted to start the New Year as a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt Law School following its conversion effective January 1, 2021.
The Law School was founded as a nonprofit in 1933, and its recent conversion is a welcome new beginning and homecoming to its original roots. The change in status will not impact its students and will be a seamless transition for its employees. “The process of converting to 501(c)(3) status has been a long time in the making and we see nothing but positive outcomes as a result of our new status. I am extremely excited for the future of the Law School and the enormous potential benefits to our students under the new status change,” said AJMLS’s Dean Jace C. Gatewood.
The Law School will now be operated by Atlanta Law Center, Inc., a Georgia nonprofit corporation doing business as Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School.
Dr. Michael C. Markovitz, Chairman of the Board, commented, “John Marshall Law School was founded in 1933 as a nonprofit institution with the specific mission of providing legal education for those underserved by the then existing establishment. That mission has continued uninterrupted to this day. In the mid-nineties, the Law School faced the possibility of failure. I was fortunately able to intercede then with economic assistance, and, with the help of our board, faculty and staff, and our many friends in the community, including the Georgia Supreme Court, the Law School was able to obtain both American Bar Association accreditation and financial stability.” He goes on to say, “I am now delighted that my initial goals have been realized and the Law School can once again become a true community asset, functioning as a fully qualified 501(c)(3) able to accept charitable gifts and donations in furtherance of its mission.”
A full-circle moment of pride has also been realized by long-time professor and administrator, Robert D’Agostino, who will celebrate 27 years with the institution this year. Professor D’Agostino was Dean of the Law School in the 1990’s and recalls, “In 1999, the school was in dire need of a major capital infusion. Dr. Michael Markovitz recognized AJMLS’s potential as a community oriented school. He had the foresight, the educational commitment, and access to the finances to support the Law School’s vision. The transition to a for profit status allowed AJMLS to rely on the financial strength of the Markovitz’s family business interests which also included a well-respected educational component. I look back on those times, and recognize that the school would not have survived without Dr. Markovitz. AJMLS now transitions back to a 501(c)(3) law school financially stronger with an excellent faculty, and strong internal leadership.”
The newly appointed Chief Development Officer of AJMLS, Wendy Aina, will now be responsible for planning and implementing strategies to secure donors and contributions in support of the Law School and the John Marshall Law School Foundation. She will also provide oversight of the fund development program, monitor development activities, and address issues to enhance growth and success. “We are really excited about the new 501(c)(3) status” said Aina, “and the opportunity to provide more opportunities for our students. Community and alumni support benefits our students, programs and continues to promote our educational mission. The Law School looks forward to building lasting relationships with and providing services to the Law School’s outstanding local and international alumni base.”
Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School looks forward to serving the Atlanta community for another 88 years and longer.