October 2021
Phi Alpha Delta General Body Meeting
Please refer to the Weekly Events email for the Zoom link.
Find out more »Alumni Homecoming Open House
The Alumni Association is excited to welcome all alumni to the new campus location, see the new state-of-the-art facilities, and have a chance to meet the new 1L class. RSVP Required Here All event inquiries may be directed to AJ Doucett, Director of Alumni Relations, at adoucett@johnmarshall.edu or (678) 916-2665.
Find out more »GAWL Mixer with GSU Chapter
Please contact President, Sharon Hansrote, for more information.
Find out more »Student Trial Lawyers Association Presents: What It Takes to be a Trial Lawyer
Please contact President, Joshua Elbaz, for more information.
Find out more »Criminal Law Society Meeting
Please refer to the Weekly Events email for the Zoom link.
Find out more »Public Interest Law Society Meeting
Please refer to the Weekly Events email for contact.
Find out more »Professionalism Program: What It Means to be a Lawyer: How To Develop a Professional Identity
Please refer to the Weekly Events email for the Zoom link.
Find out more »Wellness Wednesday: Mental Health Awareness
The Office of Student Affairs is excited to sponsor Wellness Wednesdays. Each first-year day (full-time and part-time) student is required to attend one Wellness Wednesday program per semester. Should you have any questions, please contact Dean Harrison at sharrison-mercer@johnmarshall.edu.
Find out more »Virtual Open House
Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. – At Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School, our students come for law school but find a community. The Office of Admissions invites all students interested in pursuing a law degree to "attend" an Open House virtually to experience our community firsthand. At the Open House, students will have the opportunity to learn more about the school from an admissions representative. The Virtual Open House will be held from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.…
Find out more »Phi Alpha Delta Induction Ceremony
Please refer to the Weekly Events email for the Zoom link.
Find out more »Black Law Students Association: Voting for Your Life Panel
Please refer to the Weekly Events email for the Zoom link.
Find out more »AABS Workshop: Multiple-Choice Strategies
Some love them, some hate them, but we all have to deal with them. Join AABS to discuss test-taking strategies, skills, and common mistakes on multiple-choice questions. Zoom link in your AJMLS inbox.
Find out more »Student Bar Association (SBA) Headshots
245 Courtroom Please contact Brianna Smith, SBA President, for further information.
Find out more »AJMLS Virtual Externship Orientations
Join Dr. Ortega online at the times below to learn about the AJMLS externship program. This program allows you to gain work experience and earn the experiential learning credit needed to graduate. All are welcome to attend! *First-Time Externs Only October 26, 1:00 to 1:30 p.m. and 5:45 to 6:15 p.m. Zoom link located in your Weekly Events email.
Find out more »AABS Workshop: Organizing & Understanding Contracts
Contracts can be confusing for many because it does not seem to operate linearly. Instead, it can come off as a jumble of too many rules without direction on when and how to apply them. If you feel this way about Contracts, please join us to discuss how to organize your approach to the subject, improve your outlines, and put it all together for success on your exam! Zoom link in your AJMLS inbox.
Find out more »Character & Fitness Presentation from the Georgia Board of Bar Examiners (3Ls Only)
In-Person, Room 1843
Find out more »Student Bar Association (SBA) Headshots
245 Courtroom Please contact Brianna Smith, SBA President, for further information.
Find out more »AJMLS Night at Atlanta United
Alumni are invited to join the faculty, staff, and students for the first annual AJMLS Night at the Atlanta United FC game. Come support the 5-Stripes as they take on Inter Miami. Tickets are limited so get them now and join us in our special mezzanine seating. Vamos! Vamos! Vamos! A-T-L. When you purchase through this offer, $5 of every ticket purchased will also go back to the John Marshall Law School Foundation for scholarships. Offer available while supplies last.…
Find out more »Christian Legal Society Brunch
10:00 a.m. Please contact Beverly Fratto, President, for further information.
Find out more »