The John Marshall Law Journal Editorial Board and Faculty Advisor, Professor Van Detta, are pleased to release materials for the John Marshall Law Journal’s Fall 2024 Write-On Competition for Law Journal Membership. The John Marshall Law Journal is a division of the Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School’s academic program and serves as an informative resource to the Georgia legal community via an Annual Symposium and publication on a variety of jurisprudence, including student-authored articles, notes, comments, legislative summaries, and commissioned scholarly articles.
Why should you enter the Fall Write-On Competition? Among the excellent opportunities, earning membership on the staff of your law school’s law review publication:
● places you in an exclusive, nationwide, timeless league of elite legal scholars;
● signals a distinct brand of excellence to employers and future clients;
● earns an exclusive invitation to the Scholarly Writing course, which reflects Law Journal membership on your academic transcript and satisfies the upper level writing requirement;
● provides the opportunity to demonstrate an excellent work ethic and your ability to manage multiple responsibilities successfully;
● provides an in-road to meaningful professional relationships with practitioners;
● practically develops a lawyer’s most fundamental skills: Writing, Researching, Editing, and Presenting;
● teaches you to become familiar with the required formalities of legal business environments; and
● may be the only opportunity to conduct and publish peer-reviewed, graduate-level research.
To be considered for Law Journal Membership, students must meet the following requirements:
(a) have earned at least a 2.500 overall GPA (evaluated during the semester where the 30 credit hour threshold was crossed, not thereafter); (b) will graduate on or after May 2026; (c) maintains the requisite 2.5000 cumulative GPA; and, (d) are otherwise in good standing with the Law School.
The write-on packet and the companion PDF file are available on the: AJMLS Google Drive
Note: You must be logged into your AJMLS Gmail to access AJMLS Google Drive Materials. Additionally, make sure you read and follow all directions carefully, as that is one of the things, among others, that will be assessed.
The deadline for submitting the completed Write-On competition deliverables is 12 Noon EDT on Sunday, January 5, 2025, and submissions must be on time to be accepted. Please email your completed packet directly to the John Marshall Law Journal Managing Editor, Ms. Gloria Garcia, at gsgarcia@johnmarshall.edu. The Editorial Board will submit student names to the Faculty Advisor, who will confer with the Registrar to ensure the GPA requirement is met.
If you have any questions about the Write-On Competition, please email them to Ms. Garcia or the Editor-in-Chief, Ms. Suzanne Oldweiler at sfoldweiler@johnmarshall.edu.