Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School’s Black Law Students Association (BLSA), in conjunction with the SBA, recently donated over 440 pounds of non-perishable items to the Atlanta Community Food Bank. The staff at the food bank was overjoyed at the sizable donation and expressed their gratitude for the students and staff who worked tirelessly to collect cans for a great cause.
Additionally, the John Marshall BLSA chapter was recognized by the Southern Region of the National Black Law Students Association (SRBLSA) for its work in the community. During their annual Academic Retreat, SRBLSA reported that the AJMLS chapter contributed the largest amount of canned goods in the entire region. The BLSA executive board would like to thank all who contributed to this wonderful cause. For more information on BLSA, visit the Student Organizations page of the website. The Atlanta Community Food Bank is always looking for volunteers and donations. More information about this organization is available on their website.